
The first rule of the EPA is you do not talk about the EPA.

Spot on correct. But I also think he’s more predictable, and he MIGHT not act treasonously if the opportunity presents itself. He’s still a God damn nightmare but it’s one of those like “among the worst presidents in history” nightmares rather than “existential threat to the country” nightmares.

If trump was not the president this would be so funny.

I LOVE MY SENATORS!! I write to them often to express my opinions and their offices are always quick to respond. In fact, Merkley’s office was a big help in getting my husband here. And without a doubt, each time there’s a vote on an issue dear to my heart, they vote they way I want them to.

Actual Lols!

I don’t know where Sen. Merkley was with his petty self all these years but now that we’ve found him, we are never, ever letting go!

petty af. it’s funny but i wish we could deal with serious issues like that goddamn heartbeat bill.

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

My IUD (got it in Austin, TX) cost $1300. I got the invoice from BCBS. Thanks to Obamacare, I didn’t even have to pay a copay for my visit. I dunno how much posters cost. $1 each?

Yet if you did the same thing to an adult, it would be assault.

That song is the best remedy for a shitty day. She should totally write Fake Accents, Fake Bitches. I so hope that she walks in on her husband and her houseguest. I have no idea why he lives with them. He’s had some ups and downs but Boy George isn’t Kato Kalin. He is a wealthy man.

Can we trade her for ANYONE! She is somehow making me appreciate Kelly Dodd because at least Kelly brought interesting drama.

I can’t stand Eileen. I want to like her but she’s so boring and holds grudges. I’m always going to be a giant Vanderpump fan. Also, I’m much, much better at the reformer than these assholes.

Agreed re: draghed out nonsense last season. Such a snore.

Dorit makes me rage - she’s so stupid she can’t even properly own up to what her stupidity has caused.

You are right, its a lazy af shorthand for “overcame some kinda diversity I cba writing about so RAPE!’ :(

Darn tootin. ;-)

Thank god. Aside from it being handled wrong tonally and thematically 98% of the time, it’s almost always just lazy storytelling, the quickest way to convey a plot point, or a reason for the male protagonist’s man pain. It’s rarely given any complexity or nuance, and frequently shot either like misery porn or like a

You know that a lot of kids are born or forced into this, right?

As someone who has read her book it’s more like years of indoctrination and damaging emotional abuse that started when she was a teen. So try again.