I approve of Laverne Cox’s performance. So far.
I approve of Laverne Cox’s performance. So far.
whoever the guy playing Riff Raff is is really nailing it, but Magenta lacks. . . . something .
Well.. I was at an event in London last Monday night where Patricia Quinn (Magenta in the original Rocky Horror) was a special guest. She’s mad as a box of frogs but delightfully so and now I can’t cheat on her by watching a remake, can I?
Yes. Also, Clinton did make a brief mention about climate change in the first debate:
Hillary really brought it tonight, she was burning him left, right and center. Miss Clinton if you’re nasty.
Actually, it’s President Clinton if you’re nasty Donald...
it doesn’t matter because she completely destroyed him tonight. she did not come to play. in the last debate she was like, “la la la pussy tape will handle everything,” but today she came ready for battle.
I don’t know, but it is excellent!
It can be very frustrating, and the illness just exacerbates that frustration! I currently take adderal, wellbutrin, and celexa. Trazodone at night when needed and ativan as a rescue med when I’m having a panic attack.
so sorry about that.
I love that her reaction to dying of green poop is to text her cool aunt.
Same with me and Zoloft. Without it, I’m a raving, over-reacting, miserable human being. That maintenance dose I take daily is a blessing for my family and friends.
My mom’s reaction to my taking Antidepressants was, “they put your grandma on those for a while she was sick. They didn’t help her so I don’t think you need them.”
I can SO relate to this. At 10 years old I would lie in bed at night and cry my face off because I was afraid all the women in my real family would die and I would be left with my step-dads nightmare of a family who never even really acknowledged my existence (still don’t).
It’s amazing, isn’t it? Meds don’t even work that well for me, they just get me to subsistence level. But I spent so many years feeling guilty about it, like I should be able to bootstrap myself. Once I reached that point of “fuck it, I’m gonna take what I need to take” I became a much better consumer of meds. I…
I will always be on antidepressants. After a traumatic year (first panic attack due to remembering a repressed sexual assault; toxic job that involved what is best described as a departmental hostile takeover; my closest friend arrested for a multitude of sexual predator charges, hence above) celexa was no longer…
Sounds like a real gem! I’m sorry =(
Amen, Amanada. The amount of stigma that comes with being on a needed mental health medication is crazy. I’ve experienced it from all sides: bootstrapper types who think I should just stop thinking about my life in depth and that’ll solve the problem, hippie “healer” types who think herbs do a better job,…
Kelly seems like she is perpetually on the verge of a mental breakdown
she sent melissa etheridge a stfu last week too, melissa turned it around and wrong a pretty funny song about the whole thing. http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/season-13/episode-161/videos/melissa-etheridge-performs-an-original-song