
As the proud owner of a Boston Terrier I am outraged that a massive corporation would take advantage of these adorable stinky idiots (and also an independent designer).


Why on earth would they go with fucking Lauer for the forum when they have Maddow? Matt Lauer is an idiot.

Having to discuss mental health issues in a professional context is one of the more humiliating things to do in the American workplace. I had to do it today and even though the outcome was extremely favorable for me, I still want to curl up in a ball and hide forever. I can’t imagine having to deal with it on this

I have so much respect for Marcia Clark. I was in highschool during the O.J. trial, and looking back at it now, and I remember the disgusting, sexist way that the public and media treated Clark. It seems like she was very much alone in it during the 90's. It still happens today but people at least find support through

All of those countries are exactly the same as the ussr and mao’s China- my conservative relatives

This is why the Democrats need to win the White House and get back the house and senate. IMO a public option is the only thing that will be sustainable over the long term to ensure health care access for everybody.

I am this person and thank you for acknowledging us flakes, we don’t want to be we just are.

My wife and I tried Sling for the past year on our Roku. We recently switched to PlayStation Vue on the Roku. Sling has a better interface (though still garbage), but content options are limited, there’s no DVR service, and the “look back” feature only applies to a handful of channels and is pretty much useless.

My wife and I tried Sling for the past year on our Roku. We recently switched to PlayStation Vue on the Roku. Sling

Always #TeamRock. I don’t even care who he is fighting against.

100% Rock. Vin Diesel is a wannabe in comparison.



Can you even imagine these two massive mofos throwing down? It would be like the Pacific Rim Jaegers fighting the kaiju.

Kerry Washington must have gotten a call for this. She’s the go-to.

That’s so cute! I love that he has a sense of humor about being the Dork of Rap.

Lets be real here farts are fucking hilarious. I also think poop jokes are hilarious. I’m 6 years old.

This is very sad to me. As an obsessive pet owner, whenever possible I drive to my destination and bring my pets with me. If I ever had to fly with my pets I would find it incredibly stressful. I am also pretty much at all times, one bad interaction with someone away from a meltdown. Every day that a video like this

Totally. The thing non-smokers don’t get is that smoking is fun. And while non smokers might understand on an intellectual level that “quitting smoking is hard,” I don’t think anyone can truly understand how hard it is unless they’ve tried to do it. You also have to really, really want to quit, or else you’re going to
