

So many questions!! Am I supposed to take them out to shower? Was she saving it for later? Why did the boyfriend walk into the bathroom? Why did the boyfriend PICK UP A USED TAMPON? Why did the boyfriend then flush the toilet while his girlfriend was in the shower possibly changing the water temp for her? Was she at

I've had the hair thing too! Messed up my hair and I was not pleased, like just feel my scalp, you don't need to finger out my curls I spent forever working on.

Seriously, guys, shut the fuck up. She's the first serious Democratic contender for governor Texas has had in years, and still WAY left of Greg Abbott . You're going to ruin everything.

Jezebel (and Gawker) are reporting this story in a crappy way. Just read Grimes' report, it is much better.

Poor little guy. I'm glad he finally found a good home with you. I don't get why people wouldn't want to adopt a tripod dog (or a deaf dog, like mine). I get why people would think twice about dogs with serious special needs (e.g., stuff that makes them unable to control bladder or bowels because that could be a

Ahhhh!! Army of Tiny Dogs to the rescue!

Here to third the assertion that tzus are the best! Ours is 4, he is hilarious. He might be part Velcro because he tends to stay physically attached to the human in the room... right now he is draped all over my leg like it is the last leg on earth. Adorable.

This is Arthur, who was rescued from a Quebec kill shelter when he was 1o years old - he has one eye, the heart of lion and makes every day a joy for us. Our 11 year old one eyed shih tzu this last christmas:

So, this person tries to make a post explaining how sometimes people can be ignorant without purposely trying to be an asshole, and if you explain things to them nicely they are most likely going to be happy to listen; and you go and respond like this:

Do we really need all the vitriol? Like every single person who is not up on trans culture and terminology, Morgan (and more likely, the guy who creates the graphics) conflated gender with sex. Mock could have taken it as a moment to be an ambassador for trans people and used the show as a platform to teach Morgan

Every survivor that I know personally has been silenced by our "justice" system. To the survivor in this case: from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Ha! One time when I was a kid I was walking with my dad and he was telling me about the first gulf war (I must have been like, 8). He was then talking about the other things we could do to support African nations and I said, "Why should we help Africa? What have they done for America?" And my dad looked stunned for a

Have you seen Idiocracy? Sadly the movie is pretty dead on.

You are so right. All of our friends who don't have children are around 45. They are professionals with large incomes. Me too. We are the people who should procreate, but we don't necessarily want to. I don't know why people have such a hard time with this, but some women and men just don't want children. Like

I'm neighborhood peeping too. I'm on a hill(ish) with a good view of an intersection, so I've spent at least a couple hours watching people driving around a corner. Half of them fishtail. We may have another two days of this! At least I also have two bottles of wine left.

My grizzled old electrician said the same thing about mine, and then told me he donates money to PP. :)

Wow, from the comments I see there's still a stigma. Meeting online is not that complicated or weird, folks. You find people who match on paper, then meet to see if there's chemistry. That's it. My problem was never with meeting men. My problem was hoping that rando cute dude is single, looking for a relationship, not