
Stephenville High School alum here- my sister and I were in the prime of the Briles reign at SHS. Varsity blues was banned at our local movie theater by... guess who. 

I waited until i was 28 to get married - and honestly it just felt more natural than not being married. We agreed we had to be together a year before deciding to get married or not and one day we went to the courthouse, got a license, and then asked my sister if she was busy the upcoming saturday and she married us in

I feel like making the classic edibles mistake is kind of a right of passage! I love sharing my story and hearing others.

Give this man a fucking medal

Eric makes me nervous. I can handle confrontation and him being defensive, but I don’t want a man who is going to yell and scream at anyone. My husband never has.

My dog watches with us, too!

She is funny and adorable and I love the show. I hope the whole season gets the green light!

Trump as parent he obviously lacks boundaries


GAWD if I have to hear about one more triathalon training regimen I’m gonna eat an entire cake by myself

My dad told me Saturday (at colonial) that he never taught me how to play golf because it is a game for “patient people” .... which I am the opposite of.

These songs are the best things ever

Not a Fan of Ashton but the shade he threw at Lucas was to die for

Condoleeza Rice gave me a good piece of thank you writing advice- don’t make your first sentence the “thank you” start with something else, then say your thanks in the next sentence. I’ve done it since and it feels much more sincere  

Dany is gonna be turned into a white walker (white queen) and we’re going to find out they were the good guys all along

Stay sexy!

My mom worked for TI so I always had the latest, coolest calculators for free. Sorry ‘bout your plain black 83- check out my clear one with glitter.

Ohhhh nooo. It’s a reference to a comment about how terrible John Wayne Gacy’s father was from the podcast my favorite murder. Not delicious!

It’s actually a joke from the podcast my favorite murder. Good listen!

“Carpet munching gender traitor” 😢😢😢 I’m so sorry Rory you look beautiful and weathered and I’m sorry you had to watch what happened to your wife #spoiler