
yes, that's all well and good, and yes, she earned it, but that's really not what I'm talking about in my comment. I'm talking about perception. Do you think that millions of people sit there and think all she has earned and her business acumen? Nope, they see T&A. Let's not act like the vast majority of people

I still don't understand why we are supposed to swoon whenever Beyonce comes onto the scene.

The hair makes me feel like she's going to a prom in NJ or LI.

Because that's the way the world works, damnit. Now stop complaining and go walk outside in your underwear like a good little girl. And tonight, when your husband/boyfriend/casual sex acquaintance arrives at your house, be sure to greet him in next to nothing, and remain that way for the entire evening for his

Of course she has rights as an individual and can act as she pleases. Some of us find it annoying that when the rest of us are fighting to be seen as more than just simply T&A, sex objects and baby makers, there are others out there that are extremely public throwing out T&A all over the place and delivering a really

Not mad, I laughed a bit, too.

Judge me all you want for a comment made on Jezebel. You know absolutely NOTHING about me. Perhaps you should have read my other comments on this article that state I've been to gay bars with my uncle and his husband and wasn't made to feel uncomfortable. I was the maid of honor in their wedding. I went to the gay

i agree, I think I was just trying to play devil's advocate because it often seems like there's a double standard. I actually have rather conservative views on the topic of using sexuality in specific ways, but am trying to understand what appears to be a double standard, so I appreciate your response.

But then shouldn't we be okay with any woman who owns her body and her sexuality? I mean, who are we to judge one and say, "yes, yes, you have earned it" but then look at another adult woman who believes she owns her body and sexuality and say, "nope, sorry!" just because we don't agree with the statement they are

Didn't Britney Spear's first video really center around her in a school girl outfit with only a few shots of her in sweatpants? It wasn't purely her in pants, unless I'm thinking of the wrong video. And it was the school girl outfit that is remembered and was what everyone was talking about. Hell they even show shots

Robin Thicke joined Chicago on stage?!?!? Ugh. Come on Chicago, I thought you would have been better than that.

I was banished a few weeks ago. Welcome to banishment!

"She's the most popular and powerful female pop star out there right now.

Perhaps she doesn't "have to"... but is she expected to? Let's not act like female performers aren't expected to fit a certain physical mold and generally show a certain amount of skin while performing.

Is that the post about Miley? I just checked this article to catch up on that comment thread and can't find it either...

Agree. I can honestly say I have never watched an awards show. Don't plan on it either.

the gif is sort of NSFW - can we have a tag added when there's a woman's behind (or anyone's behind) displayed?

I love everything about your post. Thank you.

That's the crap that makes me roll my eyes and change the channel.

Love the chemistry between them and think she looks gorgeous, but wasn't really fond of the performance itself. I'm probably in the minority! :)