
That's pretty much how I eat my 0% fage. I push it to the back of my mouth and swallow. But, I do love the tropical chobani with the mix-ins... Mmmm... Hate that it's so many calories, but that one I actually allow to come in contact with my taste buds.

yes, yes we are.

The characters are so dynamic and engaging. I look forward to seeing their evolution and growth on the big screen. The actors in this film have the opportunity to give Oscar winning performances and I am eager to see their artistic spin on such complex characters.

I think I want to see this movie just so I can drink every time Anastasia's "inner goddess" speaks, or she says "inner goddess".

agree. I can sort of get what he's saying, but he should really just be direct and say what he means rather than attempting to sound all philosophical about it.

I was demoted about 2 weeks ago!

Kinja seems to be failing when it comes to pics - I can't see the one in cassiebear's post either!

Ohhhh, good one!! I see it!!!

I hate to say it, but the first thing I thought of was a WWI firing squad execution.....

Maybe he is better off letting his art speak for him...

There are ways to communicate what you want without sounding like a bitch. Women do it everyday. What's missing is the piece about the second part of communication - listening. Whenever a male or female says something it's up to the person listening to formulate an opinion on what they are hearing. So much of life

I just don't have it in me to summon anger or outrage at someone for spending $30k on a hotel room. If that's their prerogative, go for it. If the person can afford the $30k, it's their choice what to do with it. I may not agree with it, but I don't and shouldn't have a say in how they spend their money. These

I'm sorry but I'm having a really difficult time following your argument (probably because I am multi-tasking at work and so my reading comprehension is failing me) and IMO it just changed its course, so I think I am not following or understanding properly and as such I can't really engage on the level that you

You're really stretching with that comment.

So do we not create art out of fear that people will use it to achieve an outcome that we do not foresee? Should we just stop creating, period? Hell, I should stop creating drugs because one someone may find an alternate use for one of the molecules and use it for their own gain.

There's also rogue strings on the duvet in 301PH which makes the bed inhabitable.

When guests unlock the door to their "luxury" suite, it will actually open into a closet where I will be waiting to slap them across the face. They will learn a lesson (not to waste money on stupid shit) and we will get rich.

It can be interesting if the artist is doing it to expose or comment on how one group of people treats another. In the context of the above photo I would argue that the human chair is most definitely not being used as art or to make a statement but is functioning simply as a "piece of furniture", so the only

Is the number 52 relevant because they think most people have sex once a week? Damnit I want to see 365 holy shit sex moves so I can start every morning with a good laugh.

No! That makes the magazine more relatable and kool! The editors totally understand me!