
But, but, the word SCIENCE appears nj this article so that makes it okay. Right? RIGHT?!?!

Wow. Thank you for sharing.

Somewhat informative, but....

I'm actually the angriest about the knee-shop. I mean, what did Adam Driver's knee do to anyone? Or is the knee so beautiful the world must see more of it??

Too much talk about physical appearance and physical/superficial beauty for one day. I need wine.

Maybe I am strange and in the minority, but I would actually love to have someone from Vogue make me look "perfect". Maybe Lena saw the pics and gasped because she felt beautiful and liked the image of the woman looking back at her. Maybe she wanted to feel "Vogue beautiful" and be seen as "vogue beautiful". This is

I'm starting to feel like this is over something incredibly petty, like some Jez author was turned down by Vogue for an internship position or something on that level.

It's seriously time to just walk away from this. The point you have been trying to make is well understood by women. Our images are photoshopped and manipulated in magazines. Great. Let the person in the shot complain and put a stop to it; they should be screaming stop photoshopping me. Until that happens it will

I totally know nothing about this industry and how it works, but does Miley have a say or influence in the designs? I guess I'm bothered by the below statement. Yes, perhaps they look "uninspired" and the looks have been done before, but perphaps this us what Miley wanted. Also, I'm sure some of her fans haven't seen

Makes sense!

Is she going to wear the same pair of shoes with every ensemble? They don't really go with this one.... And are those ankle socks?

I wish I felt confident enough to wear this even alone in my bedroom. Or with my husband.

around the same time I pointed out the misuse of pore vs. pour... perhaps that was the icing on my banishment cake.

Wow, what a jackass. No doc, all of us women just go around claiming to have dental issues due to bulimia. It's cool and totally not something we're ashamed of, so we tell people we're bulimic even if we're not.

It's never happened to me. And when it does happen with non-ED patients I don't think the nurse does it with ill intent, I just think that sometimes they forget to move the weights back and are more focused on what they're supposed to do next.


Even if she knew what it was the doctor is still required if the issues necessitates treatment and not just, "oh, it will resolve itself on its own.".

I won't do that because some nurses will say, "oh! but it's a good weight! I wish I weighed that!" or make some other side remarks, and others leave the weights out so if you look back at the scale the number is still there. I would have to ask for complete silence during the weight portion of the medical history!

I've been suffering from an ED for the same amount of time. My dentist only knows about the ED because I asked him to monitor my enamel and I went through period where I needed a lot of work after a rather severe bulimia stint. My enamel is thin, but that can be from bulimia and also other issues. That being said,

I get weighed backwards. haven't seen my weight in years.