
Dr. Bradshaw thinks they regard them not as kittens but as a combination of mother-substitutes and larger, nonhostile cats.

Agree. We can put a picture of the shoes next to her grave and have a flower arrangement made in their likeness for the service.

If you want bigger seats than be prepared to pay more money to fly. Airlines are failing now when they are able to jam as many seats as possible into economy. If you want more room, upgrade to business or first class. Unfortunately since the Mad Men era the economics (plus regulations & competition laws) of air

It very well could be.....

These things also aren't incredibly new, rather they are topics/measures/inspirations that have permeated pro-ana sites for at least a good 10 years. I frequented them constantly when I was suffering from my ED and they were referenced when I was doing residential treatment. It seems like these things are just

When I was deep in anorexia this was an obsession of mine along with grabbing my hip bones every time I laid down. It's nothing new. Perhaps it's entering the mainstream a bit more, but before these images lived on thinspo/pro-ana websites and message boards. I discussed the "bikini bridge" in residential treatment

I agree. I also love Mindy's photo because it shows a completely different side of her than the one that we see on television where the focal point is her comedic talent. This photo is about her being glamorous, sexy, and even a bit serious.

I posted the link because it has pictures of the 2 women kissing.

I don't know whether to apologize or say you're welcome.

Then you probably want to read the Jezebel take on this...

I actually think it's great to see Mindy in a different light - a sexy, seductive, glamorous light. I think the juxtaposition between that and her silly characters is actually party of the appeal of this photo, and for that reason I think it's great in B&W.

Yes, how dare she be fine with looking gorgeous on the cover of Elle! Or being invited to be on the cover, period.

Yep. Yep. Yep.

Agree! clearly everyone else knows how Mindy feels and what she thinks better than she does! Quick, tell her! TELL HER!!!!!

an avocado shortage would be a national disaster.

I'm always shocked when I see Velveeta in a dairy case; I always expect to see it next to the crayons or outdoor plastics.

My sister (M to F) would prefer that everything in her life that is associated with her birth name be burned or changed to her new name, Emily. But that may be more of a reflection of where she is in her transition and in her life. There's a chance that later she will come to peace with the male identity she once

So she photoshopped one side of her body, but the other side is still tight and she does have abs. It's sad she feels the need to photoshop this body.

But she's been accused of photoshopping in the past, this isn't the first time. There are even rumors that her appearance in Kanye's video was altered.

When my sister was transitioning (male to female) the most painful part for her was the emotional, verbal and physical abuse that she was victim to in college and later. In addition, there was the pain of knowing that you are in the wrong body, that society will likely reject you, and that there's a chance that your