
one of my dentist friends said it's not entirely crazy since she's so far from having her adult teeth; they can't pull them because she'd be sans teeth for many years which would impede her ability to eat, and the teeth will likely cause her a lot of pain if left to die. Eventually they would rot, chip and fall out

I'm going to channel my outrage and frustration into something practical..

Dance party to welcome Mark and celebrate as we (hopefully) bid adieu to Doug!

I'm more disturbed by the number of retweets and favoriting Bieber's "I love music" earned.

just turned 31

That's an interesting definition of wealthy. In your definition, when does one separate from their parents and become wealthy themselves? My parents didn't pay for my college (or graduate school), or my house payment, or my wedding, but my husband and I make enough money to live comfortably in an affluent town in

Farrah needs someone to take her by the hand and teach her about much more than feminism. But first, she needs to want to learn and listen to others; from what she says publicly I'm not sure she's there just yet.

can you tell me what's so great about it? shape? size? I just don't get what makes an ass so great.

is he 16 and going through puberty?

I don't get it. Can someone please tell me what makes her ass so amazing? the shape?

Sometimes when I see homeless individuals in NYC I will pop into a store and buy them food, water/beverages, or a blanket.


This action do not imply he doesn't make donations elsewhere or never before in his life. This is how he chose to "donate" some of his money; to do something that makes others stop and think about a strangers generosity and perhaps, what generous, selfless actions they have performed lately.

Thank you.

I never thought they were "made for life" after the show, but I don't really have sympathy for Farrah as she made her own choices after starring in Teen Mom. I watched the first few seasons of the show, and her episode of "16 and Pregnant" and found her to be self indulgent, narcissistic and spoiled even in "16 and

I've never seen the show, but oddly the idea that the producers of a reality show about couples allowing a fake couple on their show, especially when the "couple" includes a reality TV "star" really doesn't surprise me.

I totally agree with all of the above. This article is written/structured in a way that is really bothering me on multiple levels. And for some reason the linking to his former employers is pissing me off, and I read the age part like the author had a issue with the age difference or was pointing it out in a way that

I have a very long torso so must peplum looks hysterical on my frame. I have two peplum shirts in a size "tall" that are decent, but the peplum is so slight that it can be tucked into pants/skirts and hidden from all.

That's not how I meant it, but I do wish I was in front of that fire.

Agree. Not sure how that makes me a troll to some, but okay.