
I wish I had that much time to spend at the gym. Then again, when I did, my ED switched to extreme restriction and a battle to increase the number of calories burned... Ugh.

Sounds like she just substituted one addictive behavior for another. Perhaps she's merely transformed into an exercise bulimic. If she doesn't address her underlying issues, she's never really going to be cured of her disease, it will merely take on other shapes.

Yeah, coming from an ED background (over 50% of my life), and even a residential stint, I never heard bulimia referred to as the "good girl drug". In fact, many of the bulimics I encountered thought it was a dirty habit and were ashamed of it, and would probably have classified anorexia as the "good girl" ED if they

I've actually watched probably every episode and am always impressed; though in this case, I should have pointed out I was incredibly impressed by how they handled an issue that's incredibly sensitive to women. I'm not sure they've taken on many women's issues (though this is a societal issue also), though I could

This is all I can summon at the moment.

I'm sorry but the Kanye West piece of the show being "comedic gold" was secondary to the larger issue that was discussed and played out among the children regarding photoshop and acceptance of your physical appearance. I was hoping for a Jezebel article discussing these topics.

People actually say that?

The cats are obviously showing their displeasure with Carrie Underwood telling critics they need Jesus in their lives (not to mention how they feel about her performance).

I'll play!

I just wanted to say that my name is <also> Vanessa and I kept losing my burner account log in details until I e-mailed them to myself.

"..think that we need to change the culture, not blame the people that are playing the only game that exists.?"

A woman I wish never existed is getting a show on a television channel I never knew existed.

Ugh, DataMonitor is such an awful/inconsistent/shitty data source. Whenever they are quoted as a source usually there's a huge eye roll.

Dear Carrie,

One that still thinks he's a star athlete and can get away with whatever he pleases.

The lawyer really needs to get over himself. Sounds like he still thinks he's a star quarterback and can get away with anything.

I also feel like the sentiment isn't rooted in good, so there's an element of "right back at you sister!".

A) The students selling the scrips that function normally day-to-day fake symptoms to get it, or are getting it from a GP and not a licensed psychiatrist, the only doctor who should be prescribing it.

As someone who works in the industry, I would love to see the FDA change the label on Adderall to accommodate what's outlined in this article. It's laughable. FFS the majority of prescriptions for Adderall shouldn't even be written in the first place because the patient either doesn't fit the prescribing criteria in

Perhaps not ignorant; rather uninformed.