
A) The students selling the scrips that function normally day-to-day fake symptoms to get it, or are getting it from a GP and not a licensed psychiatrist, the only doctor who should be prescribing it.

As someone who works in the industry, I would love to see the FDA change the label on Adderall to accommodate what's outlined in this article. It's laughable. FFS the majority of prescriptions for Adderall shouldn't even be written in the first place because the patient either doesn't fit the prescribing criteria in

Perhaps not ignorant; rather uninformed.

My angst is mostly directed towards men in those rolls (as my husband could testify as these scenes usually cause me to go on a tirade against men and leave him saying "not all men are the same." etc. etc.). I'm not so sure I said my ire is directed at the women in the scenes; I said its' "fine for the women what

Did I ever say I was placing the blame on women? I said "fine for the women that don't mind participating in this and the women who feel that this is totally acceptable."

Looking past Rashida, my concern is that when women participate in their own objectification, even if they find it empowering or whatnot (and of course, it's their body and they can do what they want with it - I'm not saying otherwise), it does have a trickle down effect and it does impact the way that all women are

Bring on the hate, but I agree with Rashida. I admit I groan every.single.time a woman is used sexually to sell tickets to a film. There's always some gratuitous scene of a woman naked in a film, and then in the movie teasers there's almost always a scantily clothed woman so that people see that don't worry, the


That pisses me off even more than the BFF comments.

I totally agree. But for example, an entire article about a picture of Jennifer Lawrence from middle school was a bit unnecessary and honestly, quite eye roll inducing, at least from my perspective.

and perhaps you can lay off thrusting her upon as and calling her our "BFF". This infatuation with her is so obnoxious, and even Jezebel is adding fuel to the fire by posting about her It's like if a friend droned on and on constantly about one topic and couldn't get past it; it's human nature to

I agree, though I like the show idea, but minus his involvement.

that was so so awkward and odd. I think I had finally gotten over it and pushed it into the recesses of my mind, but nope, now it's back at the forefront. damnit.

Perhaps because there is a large percentage of people (not all obviously) who make weddings into a competition, and sharing the plans for your "special day" and pictures of the final event via outlets like social media only fuels this competition/need to put on a spectacle.

Excellent point!

Honestly, the entire world knows he's proposing, his girlfriend (I actually typed fiance first) knows he's proposing. Just get on with it already and stop stretching this out in an attempt to get more media attention and self promotion. If he loves her (and apparently her sandwiches) and wants to spend the rest of

Or, instead of becoming vegan, just read PETA's press release (and previous campaigns) and drop pounds instantly!

You must not be talking about THE Jennifer Lawrence since I do not see "BFF" anywhere in this article. Odd.

I thought that holiday card was some sort of joke put together by a random artist to mock the Kardashian clan.

I was going to post the same exact thing. Thank you!