
I've never been there, but I read an article a while ago that said they were trying to improve their menu selection and food in order to attract more women & families to the restaurant. The food certainly could be decent, I just feel like seeing men openly ogling women (in a place it would be expected and acceptable)

Wait, are black dotted tights not "in"?! I just bought like 3 pairs and think they're adorable!

I can't find a way to condone bringing a large group of middle school boys into a restaurant where objectifying women is always the soup of the day.

She was also flaunting her remote control. So gauche of her.

Did I ever use the word "her" in the first paragraph? Again, I'm sorry, but you're pushing to make an association here that I was not making. In my mind I was thinking more about internet pile on cases in general, and the recent suicidies we have seen posted here on jezzie and in the news that include an element of

You totally misinterpreted my comment. It had nothing to do with what she did and was more a general comment about growing up in a pre vs. post social media age. I never said my heart was bleeding for her, in fact, I never even said what I feel about her actions.

Tried to recommend but instead ended up with epic kinja fail - sorry!


I know, but I'm still curious about significance of the paper.

I'm so, so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a member of your family. ((virtual hugs))

I love this cat almost as much as Otis, kitty who travels via bus. I just hope Otis & Graham cat remain safe!

Whhhaaatttt?!?! A counselor that hits on sig others?! That's just wrong on so soooo many levels. I've heard therapist/counselor horror stories, but yours sounds uber disturbing.

On the same vein as "eat, screw, poop", last week our therapist said to him, "How does it make you feel when she says that?" and his response was, "I have two emotions: good and bad. So, for that one, I'll go with bad." and we all had a good chuckle about it, but at the same time it was sort of sad. Years ago she

You've hit on a great point here. His ideal has 'existed' in his mind for so long that he uses this ideal as his benchmark and judges all women against it, and they will always fall short. Especially since we are dynamic beings who change and grown; even if he finds the woman who fits this ideal, that doesn't mean

What is that piece of paper on the steering wheel? Judging by the colors I momentarily wondered if it's a map of the pedals (but that really wouldn't make sense) or something? Anyone have any insight here?

Thank you! I love when his name is appreciated. His brother was almost named phenol, but I lost that battle and he's now Calvin.

Ahh!!!!! That's a tragedy! If it would make you feel even a little better, I am happy to post pictures of taco cat. Though the cuteness may make you even more outraged that you missed taco dog.

Thank you, I think we all needed to bask in his gorgeousness and giggle at his chicken hat after the whole tights debacle.