
Whhhaaatttt?!?! A counselor that hits on sig others?! That's just wrong on so soooo many levels. I've heard therapist/counselor horror stories, but yours sounds uber disturbing.

On the same vein as "eat, screw, poop", last week our therapist said to him, "How does it make you feel when she says that?" and his response was, "I have two emotions: good and bad. So, for that one, I'll go with bad." and we all had a good chuckle about it, but at the same time it was sort of sad. Years ago she

You've hit on a great point here. His ideal has 'existed' in his mind for so long that he uses this ideal as his benchmark and judges all women against it, and they will always fall short. Especially since we are dynamic beings who change and grown; even if he finds the woman who fits this ideal, that doesn't mean

What is that piece of paper on the steering wheel? Judging by the colors I momentarily wondered if it's a map of the pedals (but that really wouldn't make sense) or something? Anyone have any insight here?

Thank you! I love when his name is appreciated. His brother was almost named phenol, but I lost that battle and he's now Calvin.

Ahh!!!!! That's a tragedy! If it would make you feel even a little better, I am happy to post pictures of taco cat. Though the cuteness may make you even more outraged that you missed taco dog.

Thank you, I think we all needed to bask in his gorgeousness and giggle at his chicken hat after the whole tights debacle.

Thank you, I think we all needed to bask in his gorgeousness and giggle at his chicken hat after the whole tights debacle.

Spikes/ridges. Sorry, can't edit on mobile either.

....a wall of spikes? That sounds horrifying. I wish I could post a gif that captures my facial expression (horrified eyes & hand covering mouth while gasping) when I read this, but alas, I don't know how to do so on mobile.

All I know is that I just passed my pre-employment drug screen so I am certainly not high.

That takes too much time and effort. I would much rather post inflammatory comments and questions that could easily be answered by reading, or even doing a find all/search within the document. Internet, do my work for me! Get to it, Google!

Am I the only one who couldn't stop staring at her feet and first thought the reflection of her shoes were actually the full shoe? My brain must be malfunctioning, but it's excused since it's Monday.

Agree! Some of my best pictures of Benzene is clothes involve Calvin (other cat) either photobombing or staring at/smelling Benzene/the clothes.

I love seeing cats in costumes, sweaters, itty bitty dresses, hats, ties, etc.. Hell, I even dressed one of my cats up as a taco for Halloween and he has a holiday sweater with antlers on it. Yet, for some reason, cats wearing tights in this manner? I just can't. Maybe I just need a little time before I'm putting

I find that I rarely ever recognize Lady Gaga.

I'm agnostic (though that's fairly new, I was an atheist for previously) married to an atheist, and the atheist is the one who proposed when we were 24. Neither of us see marriage as a completely religious institution; it has legal connotations/benefits, and for us, it was about making the "official" commitment. It

My mind went immediately to Wiccan/pagan tradition when I read it, and I'm an agnostic married to an atheist.

I agree. I also have a difficult time with rape threats because I can't imagine that thought even going through someone's mind. For example, if I'm really angry at someone, I feel the urge to maybe punch them, but the thought or rape never, EVER enters in my mind. In fact it's probably the furthest thing from my

I never did anything this insensitive, but I would just like to say that I'm so happy that at 30, I grew up during a time where all my dirty laundry, mistakes, regrets, life lessons and missteps could not end up on the internet. I was the victim of some major bullying in middle school, and I cannot imagine how I