
The outfit portion going as far as a space suit was witty (and sad), while the conversation with the cop sent chills down my spine.

Good point. For a minute I was just happy that the video reversed roles a bit and instead of topless women featured shirtless men, but... yeah.... why are only the women dressed as animals?

Oh, believe me I would never buy anything from A&F, I'm just pissed off that they are capitalizing on horizontal running.

Well, after vomiting in my mouth a little over those shirts, I made the mistake of going to the AF site and found that, damnit, they have a horizontal running shirt. I want a horizontal running shirt, and it seems so wrong that AF is profiting off this when they probably judge the shit out of Rebel Wilson.

I didn't know that about propecia! Now I'm going to have to look it up. I used to be a bench scientist, but I went to the dark side and now look to repurpose old or new molecules and test them in novel indications, so it's important to me that people know there were greater aspirations for sildenafil! :)

Regarding the clothing clause in the "reality" TV realm, I would think it's really about more than just not wanting to blur logos; it helps the producers etc. create a "character" or to make an impression on the audience. I think that's why this clause may bother one people, it further underscores the fact that

Before vilifying or mocking the founders of Viagra, one should remember it was originally being studied in angina to relax blood vessels; erections were a highly reported side effect and when the molecule failed in angina PFE repositioned it and began testing it in erectile dysfunction.

You may have had a subpar fried Snickers. The ones I have sampled had a sweeter, lighter costing sans corn. It was like a zeppole with a melted snickers inside. I could only handle a bite, but in both instances I found it to be quite yummy, and the coating much different than a corn dog. Then again, I live right

But,but, I love zeppoles :(

Equal opportunity slow motion video!

So to know, with 100% certainty, that all the similar videos that popped up on Reddit were consensual filming AND posting? Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, or some weren't. Considering the fact that there are webpages the feature such things as the bums of "girls in yoga pants"' (non consensual) and forums on

Agree - nothing wrong with it when the woman consents to the filming and posting. It's the thought of non-consensual videos of this nature that creeps me out.

Well the author calls it/the trend "creepy" and stresses the amount if views it has received, so I was a bit surprised the link was included.

I'm sorry, but why did you include a link to the video? Quite unnecessary and just further promotes its viewing.

The issue I had with your original post is that you were stressing physical features that could be artificial in an attempt to make a point.

because my GI told me that due to a medical condition wet wipes are preferred to reduce pain and reoccurrence. Has nothing to do with being "too good" for TP. if it was up to me I would be sans medical condition and rocking the TP. Yours is a rather narrow-minded conclusion to draw about people who use wet wipes.

There are medical conditions that exist where GI and proctologists recommend "asswipes" vs. conventional toilet paper. I've suffered from fissures for years and my GI at Columbia-NY Presbyterian told me to promote healing, reduce pain and to decrease irritation to use flushable wet wipes. Sorry, but my specialist is

Exactly. It can also be a woman suffering from a raging ED with tons of artificial enhancements to make it appear otherwise. No fat on the arms, thighs, back, abdomen or hips, but miraculously it's all on the breasts and bottom!! Score for VS!!

The body type, large breasts, can be put on a woman with literally no fat and that gives the impression that her shape is larger than it is in reality; many non-VS models get breast reductions and are shocked by how it makes their whole body appear smaller because of the proportions. I had a breast reduction years