
My god, it’s almost like she was showing some common sense. I’m a lifelong liberal and it’s so sad to see how cult-like the far left have become. Good for her to not put up with their racism.

Self-appointed defender MUST DEFEND.

Maybe he wants to participate in the human race instead of just the black race.

Guess you like cops when the person you want to attack is white, right?

OR, you don’t commit crimes, don’t run from the cops, don’t disobey their commands, don’t wrestle with the cops and don’t try and take their guns. Pretty fucking simple.

But what true nature... that he used ‘colored people’ instead of ‘people of color.’ This gotcha emphasis on semantics is a waste of time that serves no purpose but as an excuse to express anger. It’s punching at shadows. And it does ZERO to move progress forward or makes change for Black people. Literally nothing. 

Facts, not opinions needed.  The myth that modern police departments have any relationship to imagined “slave patrols” was developed by race grifters long after slavery was but a distant memory.

Funniest thing I ever read. Question? Just exactly when is it okay to shoot a Black Criminal? According to the ROOT, never. Black People to be held to a different standard than the rest of us. Are they Above the Law? Looks that way. How sickening!

You can’t even keep Biden from taking bribes all over the World through his cokehead bagman son.

Disgraceful racist attack on the most accomplished black man in America. And he made it himself, not as an affirmative action hire.

Hopefully this decision ends the longstanding practice of presuming bias/discrimination solely on the basis of demographic disparity in all its forms. The Root had an article a few days ago about the relative lack of Black firefighters. What they never considered is that Black people might just be uninterested in

Do you understand how ridiculous it is that ‘colored people’ is considered racist but ‘people of color’ is totally acceptable?

Did you read the ProPublica article? It’s buried in there near the end, but it mentions that a Judicial Conference financial disclosure staffer had advised another federal judge who had been on a similar fishing trip to Alaska two years earlier in 2005, that he did not have to disclose the trip on his disclosure form.

Yeah, he just kept going and going too. Jeez, bro. 

It’s pretty fascinating to see Disney doubling down on their contrived race swapping instead of swallowing their pride and learning from their box office failures. They’d rather sink their whole brand than admit they’re doing something audiences dislike.

OR you could just go fuck yourself racist.

As well they should. Take out a loan, pay the loan. What's next? Buy a $80 thousand dollar SUV, the government pays for it? If ANYTHING should be discharged it should be medical debt.

But how does she have the time?  She’s running our border security program, our AI program, and she has to fuck Willie Brown 3 times a week as payback.

So once again, you can commit whatever crime you want, as long as you’re Black and the officer acts just as bad as you? Nevermind that this shithole of a lady was allowing a drunk driver to drive her and 3 children WITHOUT carseats. I’d be willing to bet they weren’t buckled, cause why buckle up if you are allowing a

Sadly, the Cancel Culture has infected all facets of American Creativity. Liberals, Blacks & other misfits are afraid of Historical truth & we should all be concerned about where this country is headed.