
Much like the Marxist left’s use of the word equity.

Maybe it’s time for white people to instead start taking over cities with mobs of a few hundred white people, looting some stores, beating black people we find and burning police cars and buildings?  Seems to be the plan that works.

You do know that this ruling means that there will be more Asian students or are they treated as not being POC when it comes to the issue of diversity?

Nah. Most Asians on my campus don’t make a big fuss about their color or heritage, they’re just students like everyone else. White people don’t care about you as long as you don’t while out and try to force everyone to recognize who you are and why you’re disadvantaged.

SPLC is a left-wing hate group that rent seeks by calling things “hate”.

And weeks later still no word from this site on the 5 black kids curbstomping a white kid for his sneakers.

The FBI crime database shows that white on black violence is relatively rare. Black on white violence is more than 10x as common, and black on black violence is more than 50x as common.

No one alive today bears ANY responsibility for anything that happened hundreds of years and 5 to 7 generations ago.

Wow. They really should travel back in time and try to change that.

So fuck all the civil rights leaders for preaching color blindness? Everything Vanheat said about you is true, you’re a douchebag kendi fragility apologist queef. You’re delusional and dumb. 

yea just about 10 years late — would have helped if the voices speaking out against this divisive paradigm weren’t silenced/shunned in the mid-late 2010s

And you’re a commie twat, so what?

Think she reads Da Root?

Iman responded to those who criticized her actions at the event on Instagram. “To everyone saying I should be embarrassed or I’ll never get a job … I’m a black woman in America. I am always in the right...

“I’m a black woman in America. I am always in the right”

Hahahaha yeah pretty sure they know that.

Literally nothing about her Instagram statement makes sense. She doesn’t think it’s embarrassing to act this entitled and show her ass in public? That it won’t affect her employment prospects? That she’s always right because of her skin color? That this is somehow good for other black girls??


He’s a special breed of imbecile: self righteous and ignorant. 

Well said.