
How DARE you.

No, they bought an assortment. I know this because I read a different article that had additional information that Noah left out.

And who sold him those enslaved people? And where does slavery still exist today, the US or Africa?

Don’t be silly. We ignore the identity of the perpetrator when highlighting the identity of the perpetrator would make our political positions look bad.

This site and it’s denizens ALWAYS play the victim game, then when you point out that they cause most of these issues it’s “we take care of our own!”. They act as if the overwhelming amount of their violent crime happens in a vacuum and affects no one but them. They want to pretend that all of the CVS, Walgreens,

Kalyn, why aren’t you more worried about Black murderers than you are about white Karens? Did you know that Blacks are responsible for 50% of all homicides, but are only 14% of the population?

Where can you find Shaneequa’s causing trouble? EVERYWHERE.

So despite Mr Cooper subsequently having been shown to be a Karen himself with a history of threatening others including another black man, he’s still being portrayed as some kind of innocent victim?

If this nurse was a woman of color, and got surrounded by 5 white guys literally encircling her so she had no way to exit, accusing her of stealing you would be explaining how it’s understandable for a woman, let alone a woman of color to feel stressed surrounded by white men, acting dramatic while pregnant after a

The only one who can view the receipt is one who has access to the account the receipt is for.

So where were his family when Jordan was running around the streets of New York assaulting and harassing people? Were they concerned about his welfare back then?

Sad that you don’t give a shit about all the young black men killed by other black men.  But this gets amplified because it fits your divisive narrative.

Your hypocrisy is astounding. If ‘whites’ trip on a non-white being cast in a ‘white’ role they’re racist. Now...people a trippin’ over...oh wow look at that...a Hawaiian cast as a Hawaiian.

So do you also think that homicide statistics are also “brainwashing”? Is the fact that homicide is the leading cause of death of African American males also brainwashing”? Perhaps you should see what’s been going on Chicago of late like this mob of black youths attacking a white woman...

Price elasticity of demand for oil is effectively zero. People don’t find alternatives, they eat the increase in the cost of fuel and forego other expenditures.

The underlying whatever that (allegedly?) raises all the times he (allegedly?) lied about the payments being legal expenses from a misdemeanor to a felony?

Blowing up a pipeline isn’t going to reduce demand for fossil fuels, it will just re-route transport of crude, natural gas or whatever onto trains and trucks plus create massive environmental damage itself.  So you get a less efficient mode of transport, make a mess, piss off the general public, and in no way solve

1) Death and destruction of property and workers lives in and around the pad. Fires that can spread and destroy more property.
2) Leakage from the resulting explosion would create a bigger environmental disaster than just flaring and normal operations.
3) The ground water and nearby biome would never recover. Forcing

Uhm, not sure what this guy is smoking, but it’s *precisely* what we were anticipating. The whole 30+ thing was already widely leaked.

And, as near as we can tell, the “lie” in all 30+ cases was the same lie. It’s kind of like charging somebody for 30 counts of driving with a broken tail light because he got pulled

What a brave choice to take an existing IP, make the casting diverse and then make the whole show about bravely standing up to racism.