Desecrate. I do not think it means what you think it means, Kristen Stewart.
Desecrate. I do not think it means what you think it means, Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Bell speaks so much truth. I can't, for the life of me, understand women who love pregnancy. It was a means to an end for me. Thank god my son is funny and adorable as a kitten gif, otherwise I would have had to ask for a refund.
1) We are assuming that this person is being honest about her gender, being pregnant, engaged, pretty much every single aspect of this situation. 2) People giving advice on the internet have zero moral, ethical, or legal responsibility to give GOOD advice. 3) Going into an echo chamber and manipulating it to receive…
Thing was, early on in our friendship we went out for drinks and she told me, "I can be really selfish and self-centered. I'm basically a narcissist."
Please keep trying. Try a different therapist. And if that one doesn't resonate with your son, try another. Sometimes it takes a few tries before you hit the jackpot.
Yeah I'm still not sure what their reasoning was, beyond they were "tired" of my negativity. I wish I could say only kids do this to each other, but I had a friend just two years ago pull this shit on me again. It has taught me to work on myself and put effort into being a better person, so I win. :)
"Codependent", would be the description you're looking for.
YES. I'm not buying this either. I especially doubt that many female narcissists would own up to it, because our society tends to reward confidence and self-congratulatory thinking in men, but not in women.
It was originally a thought by Maya Angelou in an Oprah interview: "when people show you who they are, believe them the first time."
My husband's former best friend was also this way. If we discussed a topic about which he was not knowledgeable, he would change the subject, and he never ever validated or acknowledged anything I was doing, or interested in. Same with my husband.
Not buying it. Maybe this works for narcissists who know they're narcissists and do not see a downside in being seen that way. But lots of narcissists know they've got to be selective about when to be really nasty and with whom, in order to maintain a facade of niceness among others. They are very calculating that…
Blanda Eggenschwiler sounds like what you would say to a server in Germany if you wanted to send back a sub-par omelette.
Its not necessarily correlated, women had more rights in Iran 50 years ago than today. Some of the rights Mao gave to women in China have been rolled back recently. And in a lot of second world countries women make up 50% or more of computer science majors. Generally women have it better when their country is…
My husband and I discussed combining the letters of our last names to make a new one. Some possible combinations include Lincoln Logs, Action Song (I would insist on playing Eye of the Tiger every time I walked into a room because I'm the worst), Coinslot, and Giant Coot. I really feel like we missed a pretty…
Summer's not over yet. I'll be rockin the Ren Faire in a few weeks, we'll see who's laughing then Malia.
The anagram of my last name and my wife's maiden name is "Lawyer-Harpoon" and that was pretty tempting.
She's doing her popular Gilbert Gottfried impression.
Don't get me wrong that I'm saying he did nothing and he was all fine and dandy. Jackson was a very fucked up guy and his relationship to childhood/children was frightening and terrifying to watch on national media. I remember some early '90s special on MTV or something where even as a kid I got really fucked up vibes…
Yeah I am not sure.. and we will never know, especially since he is so beloved around the world. I mean I can't help but love his music. But I agreed with a commenter that said perhaps a better term was child molester. Maybe he wasn't sexually attracted to children, but I strongly believe he was sexually abusive…
Just from memory, all of the allegations came from the height of the "Do you know where your children are?" panic to the backdrop of the "Satanic Daycare" lie and a thousand other moral panics.