
Because bosses often LIE. They sometimes intentionally criticize and make employees feel bad for many, many reasons that have nothing to do with whether the employee is valuable or not. Or even BECAUSE they are valuable and bosses don't like to feel vulnerable that they're relying on someone so much. Or because

The difference is an office job you're done at 5pm and can go home and do your own thing. The unstructured nature of graduate research means the "who is working harder than who game" is 24 hours a day.

I have also tried this year to not assume intent in anything. I have a co-worker who started last year and this guy always assumed everyone is out to get him. If one person doesn't return his call, he's all "That whole department hates our department and blah blah drama blah, drama." It's really ridiculous how much

Mr. B and I have talked about BDSM, but we won't do it because the urge to tickle a tied up person is too strong.

If I didn't know how shitty the books were, not list "Secretary" as one of my favorite movies ever or wasn't actually into BDSM this trailer just might make me want to see this. Good job editing team.

All that head-touching, and then down at the nape of the neck while he's gathering up the last few strands of hair...holy moly. I would lose. my. mind.

Don't feel bad, Kim. Based on the state of my back, Kanye has been controlling /neglecting me, too.

I am not fan of Kim K and yes, I know she kind of did this to herself, but damn if it wouldn't totally suck to have arrows to your elbow fat on the cover of magazines. It must be so bizarre to have people scrutinizing you so closely that they notice and point out your FUCKING ELBOW FAT.

Oh, to be small busted. My breasts would laugh in the face of those bras because they would hold up nothing. I have to wear a sports bra under a top with a built in bra!

I was going to post exactly this - on BG, every marriage is a sham, every man is gay, every woman is addicted to drugs and alcohol - I think a huge percentage of blind items are just shots in the dark and if someone happens to fit the bit, it's considered a hit, similar to psychics.

marriage is a business arrangement and treating it as a business arrangement is just as honest as marrying for love. Tax breaks, estate rights, insurance claims, legal rights, social status and gains, and much much more. If it a "true" marriage was just about love for one another, then why bother with all the legal

They are splitting up everything (properties, money, child/ren) right now,

like flavor of love, as produced and directed by lars von trier.

He deserves a medal for helping this woman??

I should get a medal for helping this woman.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: she that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have entrance into the club without waiting in line... because, really, if you have to wait in line...

There's a surprising lack of sexual chemistry in those pap shots of Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello. I'm sadly beginning to suspect this all might be for publicity. Maybe I should email their PR team and recommend a leaked sex tape, just to be sure.

Uh, so you do you don't believe people are worthy of respect just because they are people? Like I get that people do awful things that destroy people's lives and then they lose your respect but what did Kim do?

Why is Jezebel hating on Blake Lively so much lately? I've yet to see her do anything to really deserve it.

Christ the jealously over Blake Lively on this website is absurd. There's not a single woman that comments negatively over what she does that wouldn't do the same if they were attractive and popular enough to get away with doing so. "Hey someone wants to pay you millions just to be a nonsense gorgeous person"...."Oh