
(I refuse to call whatever this is supposed to be an autobiography and/or memoir)

Whats a book selfie? Belfie? Is that already taken? Literelfie?

I also got contacts at 11 (after having glasses and an eye surgery since age 5) — and the cutest boy in my class, who had not noticed men until then, asked me THAT DAY to be his worksheet partner. Damn. That year some other boy that I had a crush called the chicken pox scars on my forehead “craters.” :’( I have

Let’s leave Chelsea Clinton alone. There are no details in this “report” worth getting our collective panties in a twist. Isn’t a “difficult” a code-word for women being large and in charge and assertive and what not?

Regarding: “dosn’t sound that bad at all” I would like to point out that the American Academy of Pediatrics does NOT recommend bed sharing for safety reasons. Most parents have been there, and done that out of practicality and fatigue (and I was raised in a “family-bed-family”) but it IS still a risk factor for SIDS,

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what she said either. I think there is either something wrong with (1) Jezebel baiting us or (2) the show runners using rape to manipulate its audience, but not Sophie

I agree. I don’t think Sophie is the problem here.

Right. My comment was more snarking that her kind-of-middle of the road opinion was worthy of an entire blog post. . .to incite? What? I don’t know if Jezebel/Bobby intended us to be up in arms about it, but I was just kind of like “meh . . . she was either giving her honest opinion, or toning it down for a publicity

I mean, what’s she supposed to say “I hate all the violence against women on this show. Its as manipulative and abusive as the boltons. Now please renew my contract and continue to make me a main character.”

good point. I guess I’m just saying that it is really really hard even when there is a loving (if not totally equal in childcare) marriage with money, so a person better be 100% committed to wanting a child before they jump in. Certainly, I’m glad the author of the original piece came away from her interviews saying

I am the mother of an infant, and the wife of someone who works 70-80 hours a week (his paycheck pretty much covers the two or three day a week we have childcare for the baby so I can keep plugging away at my creative career pursuits. And not go crazy). So I often feel like I am a single mother with a mysterious

Not a sext, but maybe a post-sex text: My sister accidentally sent our mom, brother, and me a text at 3am that said “I’m sorry for leading you on”

thought the same!! Alison Brie, Anne Hathaway, and Amal Clooney should play fraternal triplets in a movie

WORD. Armchair psych session: Robert Kardashian died, Kris Jenner is cartoonishly narcissistic; Bruce was obviously suffering for a long, long time in silence with his own shit, leaving Kris to bulldoze and manipulate everyone else to create the life she wanted. Its no wonder that their offspring are “empty” and they

In Khloe’s defense, she was always the “ugly/fat/non-biologically related” sister (not that she is any of those things). That would set anyone up for a HUGE complex, especially since beauty and family-togetherness are the only identifiable values the Kardashians have. . .anyway, yes, agreed, she’s probably super

I think criticizing adults should be the same rules for discipling a child. You want to criticize behavior and praise inherent character traits. “Slamming the door in my face is rude” but “you are a polite and thoughtful person” will encourage a child to behave politely. But, Conversely telling a child “you are rude”

I also have acne; also in early thirties; I put a mix of grapeseed oil and rose oil on my damp face; grapeseed is good for acne-prone face and rose oil is good for anti-aging/skin sloughing. Spend a little bit of time googling different face oils to find one that sounds good to you. Someone mentioned sweet almond oil,

I believe she’s Cuban

Pat Sayjack was the most disappointing for me. He’s such a delight!

FYI: You can get pre-washed organic kale at Trader Joe’s. (I just ate some in my salad for lunch). Its just probably one of those rotating products that is not always available at particular locations.