
I am also super confused. If I remember the House of Cards episode correctly, though, I think Ashleigh Bamfield guest-starred as herself to give the Robin Wright's character an interview. So in that sense, appropriate to take a guest start for your show as a platonic emmy's date. (I also take this as confirmation that

They are both very handsome badass mothers


Racist friend reminds me of a friend I had to dump recently— not really "racist" so much in her case, but just a generally hateful person who couldn't tolerate "people like this" and "people like that." It was exhausting to defend "people like this" and "people like that" all the time, and I finally just had to

Totally agree, I think less-stigma-around sex talk is a big factor. My husband is a recently-minted pediatrician, he was trained to give every adolescent he has appointments with a talk about using condoms to prevent STDs and pregnancy, and makes sure to do it in a non-judgemental or threatening way. Sex as biological

Matthew McConaughey is kind of a role model of mine, because I'm pretty sure he is bully-proof. Naked bongo-drumming? He do what he do. Fanny packing? Its useful and its awesome! Role as sleezy male strip club owner? owns it. I don't think he is capable of fuck-giving, and should be applauded.

And thank god. I love rewatching Sex and the City, but ever single goddamn episode that deals with queer culture is cringe-worthy. They are trying SO HARD to be cool with bisexuality and transsexuality and anything that does not fit in straight/gay binaries, but I'm so glad that that kind of uncomfortable "discovery"

I really can't handle a song that relies heavily on both "nigga" and "bitch" for 90% of its lyrical content.

They apparently did that scene great.

And I like both Scrubs and Jeopardy!

My irrationally over-blown hatred for Zach Braff is only matched by my irrationally over-blown hatred for Alex Trebek. I think smugness might be the common denominator. Smugness without charm or flamboyance (which is why I don't hate the likes of Kanye).

(sorry, I meant if you CAN afford it. If you CAN'T afford it, by all means strip your list of all work-only friends and angry uncles, but you don't need to advertise it.)

This is the opposite of how I viewed my wedding— I viewed it as one last good will gesture for lots of people that I have/had been close to throughout my life, but probably would not see very much of in the future (ie college roommates I only see at other weddings, lone friend I still had from middle school, angry

Thank you so much for sharing. That reminds me so much of my mother. She is so damned "nice" to everyone, but I know that it is fake. I was a very very good girl through most of my life because I had to walk on eggshells around her feelings, so the things she got upset with me for were not things I had done wrong, but

The biggest news here is that Kristen Stewart was consecrated at some point. I can only conclude that she thinks the paparazzi taking photos of her are equivalent to that guy who took a sledge hammer to Michaelangelo's pietà?

The Secret Service has enough training to discriminate between real treats to national security and toddlers. The TSA will give you a lengthy pat-down for being pregnant and/or a small child and preferring to use the normal metal detectors versus the new metal detectors.

Well, since most narcissists get that way because they have narcissistic or co-dependent parents, I'd say she doesn't realize how poorly that insult actually reflects on her? (In other words, she sounds mean, and it dosn't mean anything)

My friend who was a self-proclaimed "Asshole" and "alcoholic" indeed turned out to be one! I was the one who was like "no, no, I'm sure you're not!" I guess general rule of thumb, if someone is proud of their horrible behavior, they are awful.

Sorry, I meant to follow up on that before pressing enter. She refused to pay for her own childrens college education, and spends little to no time with her grandchildren, but she will buy a sex offender a mercedes. And then brag about how these are her "children"