
You’re right that calling her an idiot is “bad”, you’re wrong that you weren’t advocating for personal attacks, because you *literally did just that and then continued on for multiple comments to defend why doing so was okay*.

You can absolutely have meaningful discussions about feminism, including a celeb’s less than ideal quotes without resorting to “LOL, let’s make fun of this idiot”. You just do it a manner that takes the focus off of the woman and more on the larger systemic issues which influence so many women of any race, financial

Please. I went to one of the richest schools in Ontario (Canada) and you know what I never once learned about?

I don’t think people should be faulted for not thinking feminism is interesting. I don’t find most feminism interesting, but I read it bc I’m learning how crucial it is. I used to shrug it off for other shit. But then I was finding myself saying ignorant shit and I realized (on my own) that this was a topic I needed

In a way, I get her mentality. I would rather spend my time binge watching makeup tutorials and reading about space (I literally have the newest Maclean’s issue which has a feature on it on my lap, about to be read) than feminist issues, but I unfortunately, I live in a world where there still exists a need for them

uh.. i mean i haven’t heard their other stuff but this track seems as original as a weird al song.

Oh, honey, no.

He is an extremely mediocre fighter who probably won’t ever return to the UFC. What a joke.

Interesting. Hip hop is so blatantly misogynistic - I mean it’s brutal when it comes to how women are viewed - but always seems to get a pass for whatever reason.

homegirl is fucking lucky as shit and also has the lightest period on god’s green earth bc if that was me please believe they would have blurred out my entire lower half and all 26 miles behind me that were literred w huge globs of my uterine lining.

okay but that officer is hot tho right

Miscarriages are awful, and I feel horrible that they lost a wanted child. That said, these people always come across as extremely fake. Either they are terrible, terrible actors, or they are actually robots wearing human suits. I’ve watched a few of their vlogs, and no matter what, there is always something a little

I feel really bad for them, because having a miscarriage must really suck. However, that video is creepy as fuck.

I am very sad for them, but is there a reason they’re sharing all of this on the internet? It seems awfully personal to share something like a miscarriage here.

Lana is a literal godess who Nicki, Taylor, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Katy should fall down and worship. She makes better pop music than everyone Jezebel hypes (and everyone Jezebel hates). We are not worthy of her.

Just because you can physically fit into a garment doesn’t mean the garment fits

He deserve mythical level punishment, like having your liver pecked out by eagles every day for eternity.

Any soldier so undisciplined and small minded that repealing DADT is going to destroy their “morale, welfare, and discipline” sent back to basic training to have adulthood beaten into them.

Men are never happy. They want a woman who is good at sex but don’t want you to practice.

He’s not wrong.