I absolutely hit my low point today and I feel so sick to my stomach over my behaviour, I can barely type this out.
I absolutely hit my low point today and I feel so sick to my stomach over my behaviour, I can barely type this out.
If you feel compelled to begin a thought with saying you’re not a fan of someone before defending someone against something objectively horrifying, you have some serious issues. This shit is clearly fucked up.
The thing I like the least about Lisa as a comic (besides how unfunny she is) is how bad she is at hiding what an insecure mess she is. Oooh, a ‘women need to cover their body’ joke? Nah, girl, *you* feel you need to cover your body because shit’s not working for you.
God, he’s such a delusional sack of shit. Sex with him must be the worst. I bet he just talks about how great he is for 30 minutes (Viagra) while you pretend like he’s inside of you but he’s really fucking your thigh crease. And he’s probably super sweaty and his face tanner is dripping into your eyes and it starts…
Ha, glad I could be of service. Now I wouldn’t be a good Canadian if I didn’t also push Death From Above. Don’t know how much traction they’re getting down there but their new(ish) album was basically my life for 6 months straight.
You might have heard the song “Turn me Loose”, from last year$. I liked it. It was on the radio all the damn time. It has more of a catchy indie rock vibe to it. That’s why I love him so much; he’s alway reinventing himself and doesn’t pigeon hole his music.
I feel like I need to represent Toronto, but K-OS (tragically underrated) did a song with that beat in the background and it’s awesome
In my mom’s town, (Halton Hills, Ontario), there was man selling flags and yep, there was a Confederate one. The next day, I drove passed it, and the flag was gone. I hope someone complained but most likely it was sold. The irony was that it was a middle eastern man selling the flag and it was next to a Pride one.
It’s funny because I thought, ‘wow, Julianne actually wrote a coherent, non pretentious review for once’. Then I looked at the author and was like, ‘Oh.’
Yeah, even the double entendres and puns, “there aren’t any bears in San Fransisco. Yeah, but there are hairy men” (bears) which, of course, went over their heads, but I burst out laughing. It’s one of those movies that has humour for every level.
You guys, I saw this yesterday and I dunno if it’s this medication I’m on and/or I started my period, but do you know when I first started crying?
I’m hit or miss with weed. It conks me out or gives me insanely vivid thoughts.
Did Xanax work for you? I guess it did if you took it so much. Did you notice side effects?
Ha, funny you say that, because the next, day, I was doing my Lumosity games (shut up, they’re fun) and I suuuuuucked. My reaction times were terrible, and my memory was foggy. I’ve had litle sleep before but this was just on another level.
I started taking a sleeping aid (zopiclone) and an anti-depressant (citolopram). My main problem is that I’ve fine during the day but at night when I have to go to sleep, I get anxiety and so many thoughts that it can take me hours to get to bed and its a broken sleep. My doctor prescribed me an anti depressant I…
Seriously people?
This girl is fuuucked. I went from thinking she really believed she was black, to being liar, to now I just don’t even know. My mind cannot process this.
I do sometimes but should be using them more, you’re right. I think the main problem for me is that the class I do is so fast paced and I wish I more time in the pose to a.) find the proper alignment/connection in my body and b) stretch my body out as much as I need that day. One breath of upward (for example) is just…
Ugh so jelly you can do that. For some reason I’m having a hard time stretching out my upper chest that I end up compensating in my lower back and it hurts. Even when I do upward dog, it feels really uncomfortable, like I’m holding tension there and can’t let go.