
1. I admittedly cringed when I initially watched the clip, and you may notice my article was not a defense of King’s interviewing style or choices, because frankly, my feelings remain somewhat mixed and likely always will.

I’m sorry you’ve had that experience, and empathize; imagine how it is writing here daily. Trust, I’m here for the content, not the comments.

I can’t believe I’m even deigning to acknowledge this, but I also can’t help but find it very interesting and telling that an article that was explicitly not about Kobe Bryant and only mentioned him (once) in a factual, yet passing manner, purely for context, has not only devolved into a discussion about Kobe and his

Some of The Root’s frequent commenters are also known for defending the celebrities who bashed the likes of Gayle and Oprah for daring to question the wrongdoings of black men, just because.

I know this won’t ever be addressed, and I’ll probably get dragged for mentioning this at all, but this is one of the reasons

He never would dare to address her disrespectfully either.

I’ve always given Snoop the side-eye. My belief is that men who go out of their way to defend sexual predators and misogynists are hiding some secrets in their closet.

In short if you aren't a hotep, nobody is talking about you. 

What I DON’T need is for a black man to tell me a black woman what my experiences are or aren’t. You are wasting your time barking up my tree. When black women tell you and show you what misogynoir looks like, don’t come at us with this mess. 

I would be taking that video to the police and filing a restraining order. No fucking excuse.

Snoop has canceled himself in my sphere for this. 

“Did that fake ass [Michael] Jackson shit to tarnish his name with them lying ass kids and here she is with a known rapist smiling and laughing. Fuck u and Gayle. Free bill Cosby.”

I bet he would never talk about Martha Stewart like that.

Bottom line, Snoop was WAY out of line. That shit was uncalled for, big time. I bet he would never talk about Martha Stewart like that.

I give up. Hoteps are triggering af. They suck all the oxygen out of safe spaces, their ‘good’ brethren hardly ever come to collect them and black women are left like yesterday’s trash to gather ourselves up from constant attack. 

And seriously, at what point do 40+ year old men start speaking like adults? If he had spoken to her like that in person, he would’ve been arrested. Promptly. Snoop needs to grow the fuck up.

Thank you for posting this. It took everything in me not to punch my television when this rat-looking fool threatened a beloved journalist!! People need to calm down!! Especially Snoop. But in actuality ALL men like to “act” hard and “act” like they know what they’re talking about. FOR EXAMPLE: Bill Cosby telling

Snoop has disappointmented me with this.  

Can we keep Debbie? She’s so much fun!

Almost as fun as Petty Holt.

Jake picking his own pocket to prove his skills was a good gag.