
Its really the other way around, right? White women should be thanking black people for paving the way for their progresses...all the while still voting for misogynists like trump.

Of course civility only seems to go one way.

“You will be civil or we will destroy you.”

I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you that a small part of a giant corporation would treat one of its employees in such an inhumane manner. It’s not like we’re all cogs in one part or another of the cold, uncaring corporate machine, right?

... wut

I don't understand what you're attempting to say?

Would you prefer he not say anything about the lack of diversity? When someone makes a point of actually saying something people criticize them as opposed to all the people that don’t say anything. 

When my mother died, all I wanted to do was to curl up and cry for days but as an only child, I had arrangements to make, people to call, it was exhausting. This is what I thought of when reading her statement. Obviously her work is on an entirely different level and I understand our losses are different but geez, if

TBH I assume the show kind of forgot, like they always forget that Sara and Laurel still have a living mom. 

So...Oliver brought back everyone except OG Laurel?

Oh you have no idea how excited I was when Ragman spooked those guys. I missed Ragman so much, easily my favorite Non-Original-Team-Arrow member

Have him join the Legends.  Him and Constantine could make a fun pairing

He’s moving to Metropolis. Superman is getting his own show and lives in Metropolis. 

And I am reminded how cool Ragman was and what a shame they retired him so early. Is too late to have Rory join Team Flash?

John’s moving to Metropolis AND has a mystery green space object? He’s totally joining that Superman & Lois as Green Lantern. They couldn’t do it before because GL is way too powerful to be a regular on a Green Arrow show but he’s in Superman’s weight class, the way Martian Manhunter is the main supporting hero on

Kanye seems to be caught up in that “thinking the opposite of what people are used to means I’m thinking freely” mentality that most people grow out of in adolescence. That doesn’t make you a free thinker, just a contrarian. You’re still just as concerned with what other people think.

It’s fine. The Doctor has been billed as Dr Who, Doctor Who and The Doctor throughout the series.

I’m so happy his sentence is a reasonable reflection of his conviction!

Damn dude, dont hurt your back moving those goalposts

FKA Twigs had a good example I read about in an interview. In the UK when they first heard her stuff they categorized her into, I believe it was “Electronica”, could have been indie or alternative, you get the idea. Then when they found out she was black the put her album under R&B.