
Milk is the biggest surprise to me this season, and not in a good way. She seemed so sweet on S6 and her WOW YouTube series. WTF happened? She’s fucking unbearable.

I sadly don’t often come to A.V. very often these days because Kinja (and I just miss the old site.) But I wasn’t missing this.

I was too, but I eventually acquiesced so I could still comment on AV. For what it’s worth, my Disqus account appears unimpaired.

From your mouth to the special prosecutor’s ears.

They're so mean and crass, and yet so emo.

And her calves.

See, to me she's immaculately beat one time, and all over the place another. That club kid white makeup streaked unevenly over her clavicle was the worst. Also, that shake and go wig at elimination was quite bad.

Following up on thoughts on Eureka, WOW has some clips of Untucked Live from DragCon. It's too heavily moderated to be that enjoyable, but I was impressed by how thoughtfully Eureka spoke about politics. It's a side of her we really didn't see on the show.

I would watch the shit out of a drag king race.

But it's what we want, what we really really want!

She and Trinity wore me out (Alyssa v. Coco 2.0: the feud none of the children demanded.) A friend of mine still hates Trinity because of that. They would have been much more tolerable on separate seasons. I'm not mad about her coming back.

She is however clueless in a fun way.

HAHAHA! Shade! I'm posting your obit!

Quote of the night for me:

Sidebar: also predictable about AS2 is Roxxxy made it way too fucking far because her friends kept saving her. No Rolaskatox my ass.

Can we vote twice? I was really torn between a few of them, and finally said Shea. Those inspirational speeches she gave to Nina were everything, even if they fell on mostly deaf ears.

So, I got yelled at by my boss today because I didn't sufficiently babysit my incompetent coworker. This shit here is the most glorious distraction. An article with more info:

Bob said that as well. He said Peppermint must have dug deep to come up with roast material, she never talks shit about anyone.

I mean what's important here is the queens didn't stop in the middle of creating their own three separate looks to Tim Gunn Alexis, you heartless bastard ("Alexis, you need to mitigate that turkwazz.")

I can't agree with some of these observations (Boo Shea? Come now), but when Shea came out I thought, " where is the rainbow?" Still a gorgeous look though.