So, is this even going to air on Logo? Because there is literally no other reason to turn Logo on. (Or is that Ru game show any good?)
So, is this even going to air on Logo? Because there is literally no other reason to turn Logo on. (Or is that Ru game show any good?)
Counterpoint: he's 70 and is a frequent McDonalds eater.
I wasn't going to click on that, but I'm home sick and now I hear there is a dong forest so I'm in!
It's good enough for our President!
Apparently, Netflix is losing a bunch of Fox content at the end of the month (may or may not be due to lawsuit about poaching their execs.) I am sick of hearing the original content excuse. I like Netflix, but certainly not enough to keep them if they continue to bleed licensed content. I'm sorry but none of the…
Ahh, yes I did. I thought you were the OP as well. Plus I called you my friend!!
Have you seen True Blood, friend? Since you enjoy hate watching shows about vampires….
This game is endless fun, but let me just add:
It's adorable how they keep trying. "THIS is the bobble head that will win us credibility. I can feel it like I feel Obama's ear drum on my mouth RIGHT NOW."
Yes! And it's a reference not everyone would get, which always gives me a cheap thrill.
It just sounds SO dated to me in every clip I've heard, between the audience noise (live, not a laugh track, but might as well be) and the setup-punchline, setup-punchline rhythm. I have enduring affection for Norman Lear, but I'm surprised they went back to this outdated formula to reboot this show.
It's not long after Jughead calls Betty Juliet. Same scene. I probably wouldn't have caught it if I hadn't been watching with the subtitles on.
Not only the Juliet refence, but a Yellow Wallpaper reference! I love Jughead. I love this ridiculous but genius show. I don't know how they can keep this pace up, but I'm in.
I couldn’t make it thru the video......because this is clearly proof of the never-ending war on white peepul. Luckily, we have a president who hates all Americans. We all get shit on! Yay Equality?
"Hey Mike, I'm bored. Can't we take some reproductive rights away from those filthy females?"
As a vegetarian, I'm glad they switched to potatoes so no pigs will be killed to send this anus lots of anuses.
Both would apply metaphorically, to be sure. Here I meant full of hot shit air, in a medical sense.
I definitely don't want to know what 45's version of Nightcrawlers is.
And the baggy suits. What is happening? All I can guess is IBS. He needs the empty space for bloating.
"And the guys who sang that Kryptonite song. I tell ya. That song, it's really, really terrific. We're going to put men back in the kryptonite mines. I can't tell Lex Luthor and Putin apart."