
This is what happens when they quit having the accountants with the briefcases come out at the start of the show.

I thought I was the only one whose reaction was, "Marisa Tomei, vindicated at last!"

I feel like Glee once got an F.

I'm sorry friend. I know it's beyond cliche at this point, but JarJar is just unbearable. He's consistently fucking up/saying the wrong thing/tripping and breaking something, etc cetera and yet he's still included on sensitive missions? Come now. I've never found him funny.

But Clone Wars committing itself to making every story an arc could be a liability as well. Some stories weren't meant to drag on. If Jar Jar showed up in part one, you knew you were going to be fast forwarding in part two. Some first parters ended on a false cheery note, when you knew the happy ending would get

Fanny is much dirtier in the U.K. than it is here.

Aw man. IL Cheetolini. Stupid Apple spellcheck.

I watched the first episode on the urging of a friend. We both agreed with everyone else that the two main characters were pointlessly insufferable. Unlike everyone else, we felt no need to watch more. I just have no interest in these people as a couple or as humans.

El Cheetolini is my personal favorite.

I have virtually no sympathy (except for the poor elderly fool who is just now figuring out Medicare and SS are in jeopardy.) At least some of them are coming to their senses and belatedly realizing what they set in motion. Although, what the shit will they vote for next?

No surprise in Pence, as he sold whatever was left of his soul to be Trump’s butt boy. I’d just like for once to see someone so virulently pro-life give a fucking shit about what happens to a fetus when it quits being a fetus. A world with clean air and water? Well-funded public education? A world where female,

And mine in Rob Portman’s.

I’m not defending this POS, but this job would be a losing proposition for anybody. Trump writes executive orders without proper vetting, releases them without warning, tweets with the verbal dexterity and emotional maturity of a fascist child (and why is there not a single adult take his fucking phone away?)

That bastard Portman. I’ve never called my MoC’s before. I had just signed petitions, sent the occasional letter. Now I call his office at least once a day. I know he is getting a fuckton of calls. The fact that he is ignoring them AND his duty as a representative of the people of Ohio just sets me on fire. I hate

I mean, supposedly Richard Gere and Debra Winger hated one another in Officer and a Gentleman, yet their scenes were hot. That passion was visible. These two just seem indifferent to each other.

Come through fucking Nancy Pelosi! You are a fucking boss!

I haven’t spoken to a genuine person any time I’ve called my senators. Calls to Rob Portman (our Ohio Republican asshole who said he’d vote for DeVos today) are frequently met with a busy signal or roll over to voice mail.

All the children need it. God bless RPDR.

In the words of the great Reverend Jackson, I’m attempting to keep hope alive. Your post is a little bit of what we all need.

If that turd is still circling the bowl in 2020, truly there is no God whom I already don't believe in.