
It ain't getting any easier either, Donnie.

More reason to keep Sessions from being appointed as AG (P.S. I'm a member of the ACLU and tried to call Senator Grassley to demand a second hearing. We filled up his voice mail.)

I see AV isn't any safer from Trump trolls than the rest of the Internet.

The Cole Porter song was actually "After You, Who?"

I don't dislike her, she always just seems kind of forgettable to me. Now I think she just hasn't had the chance to shine in a role yet.

I really liked it. Fantastic performances from Aaron Paul, Hugh Dancy, and (surprisingly) Michelle Monaghan. An examination of irrational beliefs and the violent impulses they engender also couldn't be better timed.

Up voting for benign use of the word libtard.

Why am I surprised that instead of reflecting on why so many Americans hate/are terrified of them, he goes straight for the butt hurt, hyperbole, and implicit threats against First Amendment rights. How is any of this really happening?

I don't want to strangle you, even though you didn't get my hilarious joke!

That song will win the Nobel Prize for Books one day!

That's why I couldn't remember her name earlier. I had her confused with that movie starring Megan Kelly and Amanda Bynes!

Oh shit. What the Hell is wrong with me?

You don't dude. Someone told me below.

From your mouth to God's ears, as they say.

@Scrawler just told me the same thing. The alt right should scare the shit out of all of us, especially since they take this election as a mantle of legitimacy.

One if my prospective coping mechanisms is actually to just stay stoned for the next 4 years. Let's keep each other in the loop with what we find!

XO. We need to laugh right now. (except someone explained to me below what "cuck" means and I'm back to horror.)

Also, will you be accepting American refugees? (Someone had to ask it…..)

Ok, that's vile. Worse than I could have imagined. William Buckley would weep if he could see what has become of conservativism. I'd give him my Kleenex and I don't even like that guy.

Yeah, its a toss up of apocalypses; like, "Congratulations, you don't have Herpes. You have Leprosy of the vagina."