I got stuck behind someone paying for their groceries with a check not long ago. Waited until all the groceries were rung up to even dig the checkbook out. I’m usually a really patient person when it comes to lines but OH MY GOD WHAT YEAR IS IT.
I got stuck behind someone paying for their groceries with a check not long ago. Waited until all the groceries were rung up to even dig the checkbook out. I’m usually a really patient person when it comes to lines but OH MY GOD WHAT YEAR IS IT.
I hate these people. I hate these people so much.
Thank you. The only reason he had been at at that Middle School is that the district refused our request for a program for autistic students, because they didn’t want to pay for it, and had promised us in another year there would be enough other students on the spectrum that they would have a program of their own. We…
Don’t you think that this sentiment is belittling to others who follow pop culture and hip hop/rap culture? There tends to be a crowd here that seems to be proud to not know certain things because they’re “old” but honestly it just seems ignorant. If you were interested in understanding parts of the article you…
I’m making pho and flourless chocolate cloud cake. The one perk of the shutdown is that my coworker crush is *also* furloughed, and sharing meals just makes good fiscal sense...
When I was 11 I swallowed the pop top to a soda can. I had to know what letter my future boyfriend’s name started with, so I twisted the pop top off and then tossed it into the soda can. As I was taking the last swig, I accidentally swallowed it. I really did not want to tell my parents what an idiot I was, so I went…
The ad strikes me as a fairly anodyne rehash of messages that have been out there for years. There’s nothing that ought to strike anyone as new and ground-breaking.
Also doesn’t make him a nobody as the original poster is implying.
Hi. I was sexually assaulted for five minutes in a public place. I was so terrified (and afraid of being blamed for being in said place) that I didn’t scream or run. I froze. Thanks for assuming you know the “right” reaction for an assault victim to have, though.
He couldn’t read at that point,
In the space of a year:
Many people in the First World expect a happy married life these days. But that’s not all. We expect to be happy in general, pretty much all the time. Back in the day, when people were constantly facing starvation, plagues, massive crop failures, etc. as a matter of course, there was a “life is a vale of tears and all…
Fuck her shitty ass parents. Bill for family vacation... I hope she never pays and it fucks up your credit forever, you trifling, nasty assholes. I hope Discover calls you nightly. I hope this article gets you hate mail.
Yeah, that would’ve been great and also would have really eased my mind! However, the mom in question is one of the “pretend perfect” ones who took every opportunity to assert herself and family in every way as better/more fortunate than our family. Not my kind AT ALL. I’m actually quite thankful that our girls…
This has my abuse flags popping all the fuck up. This is a textbook narcissistic thing to do - something “nice” that’s “for” someone else, but executed in a way that absolutely steals focus from her, derails a legitimate accomplishment she’s worked very hard for, all while maintaining this air of plausible deniability…
I know 5 languages and have actually lived in 3 different countries throughout my life, long story. I speak Spanish to my visiting relatives from Central America, Portuguese to my Brazilian wife, and German whenever and wherever I get a chance. The more languages the better, that’s all there is to it. Not bragging,…
What part of “visiting relatives” is too fucking hard to understand?
I just bought boot-cut maternity jeans.
Damn, it’s been a long time since I’ve fully recounted this story, but it’s become somewhat of a folklore tale in my family.