
In a contest for ‘1-sentence statements that show fundamentally why men don’t get it’, that one is pretty high up there.

“Can u get pregante” makes me laugh every single time and I’ve watched this no less than a hundred times.

This is spectacularly cruel and stupid. Fuck off.

that’s a tardigrade!

Cetaphil is bunnnnnnk. I think derms recommend it because it doesn’t have many ingredients, and thus nothing likely to trigger an allergy or sensitivity in reactive skin. Also, it DOES contain SLS. It’s the fourth ingredient, after water, propylene glycol (which is just a carrier/solvent that accomplishes nothing

Someone needed some attention! I wasn’t a huge fan of Markle’s dress but it was prettier than this lady’s design and certainly not even approaching identical. And if she wants to talk about fit she might want to start with the bodice of her own dress...

I’m shocked at the tone of this article. Just because it’s a conservative group doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be right on this one thing.

I typically disagree with this group but yea, rape jokes. Not a great look.

So, the story of the nickname “Dick” is actually pretty interesting. There’s a centuries old practice of taking short names and then rhyming them (Richard, shortened to Rick, becomes Dick; William, shortened to Will, becomes Bill; Edward, shortened to Ed, becomes Ted). Another common source of weird nicknames derives

NOPE, mama, don’t resign yourself to losing yourself. It’s hard, no doubt. My favorite parenting quote is “This, too, shall pass.”

I thank everyone for posting responses about how difficult it is/was for them. As a bleary-eyed sleep deprived mom I often feel at the end of my rope trying to get the baby to sleep. It’s a 4-5 hour struggle for a 20 min nap, and it’s been like that for almost a year now. Definitely hearing about easy babies doesn’t

The Baby Whisperer was the rage when I had my first. In that book, she says it may take up to a month! of “shush-patting” your child to sleep before the baby is trained to fall asleep alone and you just need to stick with it.

Right? This:

The best way to get posh Brits to take their drugs is to hide it in a piece of cheese.

I swear by Body Glide, and my sister swears by Ruby’s Lube (which is a little more expensive). Either way, a good anti-chafe balm is 100% necessary and a total lifesaver.

Yeah, I get that the reviewer felt the need to comment on Marlo’s white privilege and how she is unaffected by the issues of POC but she does it in such a dismissive, shitty way. Motherhood is a motherfucker and that isn’t minuscule. Not for the character and not for millions of women.

“It is indeed another story about a woman whose problems are, in the grand scheme of things, slightly miniscule.”

A few years ago I did teacher’s assistance for a grade 2 class and the kids there had all grown up with the nintndo wii. So they called any nintendo console a wii. So one kid kept talking about how his older brother had a super old version of the wii in his garage that you need to put big plastic blocks into in order

There is a computer design term skeuomorph, that is similar. Now that I’ve read the definition on Wikipedia I wonder if that’s what I’m looking for.