
I bet the tapes are really discs or thumb drives. This brings me to my question, is there a name for when words from a earlier form of technology are used with newer technology where they don’t actually apply, but people still use them because they have been in use for so long.

Is it weird that I totally know how they made that hand in your post? It was with bic pens, PVC pipe, paper towels, and liquid latex. I need a lot of fake hands for...things.

Yeah, I love their products, they’re working great for me, and I really hope this guy can get his shit together and not destroy the company.

I am so pissed because I’ve been using ordinary products for over a year and I really like them. I had hoped he’d have been removed and the company rescued so I could keep buying their products. I use their vitamin c, buffet, and retinoid. Any suggestions for alternatives that won’t bankrupt me?

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I updated everyone. Several months ago I started posting about my abusive marriage and really appreciated everyone’s support as I prepared to leave. Now I am here to update everyone that I have been gone a little over 3 months. I am in my dream apartment. It might not be much to

MAGA = making attorneys get attorneys.

Frances McDormand words: Two


I would say I’m surprised, but even in my “yankee” high school, we had a coach and history teacher who was incredibly beloved and respected. He also used class time to actively recruit for the military (including bringing in recruiters) and passionately indoctrinated his students that the Civil War was never about

What makes it “simply awful”? It fits her face, is not overworked and not obvious. And since you put up you plastic surgery credentials (having a “friend”), here are mine : I had very stealth nose job about 15 years ago, and I grew up in west LA where plastic surgery spotting is a skill you pick up around 8th grade.

The good news is, it won’t last forever.

??? I was a nanny for a long time and I have always had long nails. You just...wash your hands and use a brush under your nails real quick? Also...if you’re doing it right you don’t necessarily get poop on your hands...?? That’s what wipes are for? Maybe she wears gloves?? Who cares??! Sorry for all the question marks

Anyone who starred in mother! is not smart AF. Pretentious AF, maybe.

I can’t be the only one who read “Rhode Island’s youngest state senator” in the headline, glanced down to see a video freeze-frame of Paul DiMaio, and wondered “that’s Rhode Island’s youngest senator?”

Fuck yes, and she is right too! Shonda must have had her back this go round, since Ellen said her loyalty was rewarded. Go Shonda and go Ellen! Get yours, cause you know the guys are all taking care of each other.

The fuck?

I should have ‘Better Living through Chemistry’ tattooed on my forehead.

“Men may also be less likely to care for themselves while sick.”

That is awful. Like, truly awful.

She’s in costume as Nissa, an MTG character. But way to go being a dickhead about a 7 year olds clothes, hope you’ve had a good day.