
To me, the brilliance of Game of Thrones is that Martin actually pulls this off not once, but twice. Ned is set up as the typical hero, and boom, this happens. Then, its only logical that the next hero is going to be his son, Robb, who is leading an invasion to take revenge for his father’s execution. Robb is young,

haha. Glad I could be of service.

No problem. Yeah its a fascinating read on the hubris of Ford and Americana in the Jungle.

Here is a condensed reading list in relative order my thoughts on the quality of the work. What’s interesting here is there isn’t that much scholarship, and much of it is sympathetic to the Confederate viewpoint and tries to play down the whole slavery thing.

This is a really fascinating topic. There was an exodus of slave-holders from the South after the Civil War to places like Honduras, but the main spots were Mexico, Cuba, and Brazil. What’s interesting is Mexico abolished slavery well before the Civil War, and yet Confederates still attempted to move there. In Brazil

Amen. My favorite bit is how it was off the air for a decade and they didn’t bother with a recap. Woo straight up good shit from the start.

I don’t mind DLC as a concept if done correctly. For example, the Fallout 4 DLC seemed to be all stuff started after the game was done and provides new areas and content. Now, day 1 DLC like Mass Effect 3 had where not buying it would deprive you of a character and interesting storyline and comments throughout the

I like beating games on hard. Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game, and a lot of other games I’ll play on the hardest difficulty. Prey I played on Nightmare Difficulty my first time and reeally enjoyed it. Wolfenstein The New Order, however, I kept lowering the difficulty until I was at the lowest because I didn’t find

Did the Xbone version already sell out? That seems to be full price whereas PC and PS4 are the 25 dollar pricetag.

Did the Xbone version already sell out? That seems to be full price whereas PC and PS4 are the 25 dollar pricetag.

I umpire a lot of little league games and there was a kid in our league that was just like that. However, the opposing team came over and talked to me and the player’s coach and declared that in his final game of the season, a playoff game, that they would get him his first ever hit (I think he has some kind of

Ace Combat 5 is actually the best story of all the games. It uses the same kind of cutscenes from Ace Combat 6 but has some great characters and storylines.

They have done all the way up to just before the end of the Cell games. The first few episodes are a bit rough animation, writing, and mic quality wise, but by episode 8 or so it gets really like, really good. Just look up Teamfourstar on youtube.