
I am pretty sure Greenland’s ice sheet was created by the Chinese to undermine the US economy. At least, I heard some buffoon say something like that on Twitter once.

Ridley Scott already answered that question:

The roo just stands there like “WTF?! Did he really just do that?”

Because some hillbilly 35 years ago couldn’t keep track of their bitchin’ new pet. These snakes are human-caused pollution that are eroding the Everglades the same way as global warming or toxic waste. It’s a shame that living animals have to be viewed through that lens, but the alternative is much more destructive to

And just wait ‘til the end of the movie when Gamora, Gamorra and Gamorrra square off against Gamera!

It’s the movie refit Enterprise for me - she’s just beautiful from every angle. I think part of the appeal is that it feels like the engineering section is suspended from the saucer and nacelles, rather than it propping them up. It gives the design a sense of weight.

The reason the original is so great is because it was completely thought out in a practical manner.

Boo! Boooooooo!

Last but not leashed.

Why CG? It always looks fake when trying to “revive” actors. Just get another actor. Would someone actually complain knowing the original actor passed away like 20 years ago?

I think I’ve figured out why this year is so horrible. The Trump family is using black magic to siphon the life force of so many good and creative people to fuel the success of their patriarch.

One of my favorite episodes is the one where it was his turn to dress as a woman (hooker sting I guess?) and he showed up looking stunning in a very expensive outfit. Like, if you have to do this, might as well be classy about it.

it was a product of its time and limited by the technology. that said, it’s not like there weren’t movies that didn’t push the boundaries. you’re telling me you sat there in the 90s not amazed by Terminator 2, Titanic, 5th Element, ID4 and a shit ton of other movies when they came out?

In 2030 you;ll be talking about

That picture looks like a Far Side comic come to life.

I kind of whish they would.

I hate Rob.