Try that on a hot tailpipe, buddy. I DARE YOU!
Try that on a hot tailpipe, buddy. I DARE YOU!
Say it ain’t so, Joe...
Can you apply this technology to finding my car keys? Pretty please?
There is no god. This sucks. It really does. I hope DC allows the use of the Batman logo on his gravestone. It should also say, “He was Batman.”
And yet Canada STILL wants to buy these flying garbage cans that will not do the job in our high Arctic.
Jeebus, can’t we get some Kevlar screening that surrounds the area behind home from third to first? Regular mesh just doesn’t work and doesn’t go far along enough. Or metal screening?
Now if somebody crowdfunded a documentary called “Raging Boll: The Most Useless and Talent-Challenged Fuckwit Director of the Shittiest Movies of All Time” I’d throw in a 10 or a 20.
I’m waiting for the Ultimate Mad Max Matchbox Collection. And waiting...and waiting...
I don’t make poultry comments.
I really don’t give a cluck.
I lost most of my respect for him when he started trashing philosophy. His ego is getting the better of him.
Well wasn't that just a suckippotamus swing...
Is that Habs-shaming or Youppi-shaming?