
According to, about 1/3 of 1st round baseball draft picks never play in MLB. If he makes the majors, he will then have to play three full seasons at league minimum before hitting arbitration. Then, he will go through three years of arbitration before becoming a free agent.

Has anyone done CTE studies on baseball players? or athletes in any other sport?

I don’t understand your stats. What are you comparing? The probably of every playing in MLB to being a QB starter?

His “Guaranteed” baseball contact will pay him less than $50K a year for a couple years, then IF he makes a MLB roster he will get league minimum for three years, which is about $525K. There aren’t many 1st round QBs (any that I can think of) who don’t get paid their entire first contract.

They will put kickers in at wide receiver on 3rd downs is all that will happen.

That was about as coherent as any after game pep talk I’ve ever heard. Obviously there is inside-joke context for the 31 point thing. No one listens to the coach (or owner) after the game anyway

Give me a break. Lots of business situations change at the last minute. I once had a business trip to London from Boston. Landed, got a call at the airport telling me the meeting was moved to Paris. suck it up bitches.

For the record, he did not test “positive for an anabolic steroid not approved for human use or consumption in the U.S., or in any other country.

Dude, site your sources and write a book. It would sell millions of copies!!!!

the “winter games” is pretty much a fake competition because someone figured out that pretty soon there won’t be many white Euros winning anything...

I have watched like three minutes of sports I don’t know in Olympic competition. My wife watches every fucking minute of the skating, and zero minutes between games. I suspect they have this data.

How many NFL teams play in former Olympic venues??? zero? 

Its a quadrenial TV show. That is it.

hahaha.... look at the ratings dude. nobody gives two shits about any of that

This is a political document. What series legal filing has phrases like “directly into the pocket” and “to the tune of”?

I don’t think this is as racist as all of you folks think it is.

In other news, there were no hazing scandals at the other 30,000 high schools in America with football teams.

That particular symbol turned what would have been a (yes a bit self congratulatory for a hockey team, but still nice) solemn remembrance and turned it, intentionally, into a pure political act. I don’t see anything in that picture remembering the people murdered. I do see three cops, all heroes, and a political

Who gives a shit? 

Dude is lucky he didn’t get a visit from the offensive line.