
There is not one single market or industry on the planet that is not gamed.

That has nothing to do with government and EVERYTHING to do with those ISPs and streaming platforms looking to maximize profits. I am all for small government, but this is not the time or place....look what happened under that clown Ajit. 

Fuck Ajit Pai 

Exercise is a huge part. Walking isn’t really an alternative unless distances are very short. Cycling is typically at least 4x faster over a similar distance. So a 15 minute bike ride is hour walk. A lot of people are fine with a 30 minute bike ride but aren’t about to walk 2 hours each way.

I used to skip forward every time he was a guest on the Stern Show back in the early 2000s. Just absolutely unbearable with that voice alone.

This is mind-boggling. I guarantee you that no-one with power gives enough of a fuck about Brand to frame him for anything. He’s actually less relevant to public life than ever before, thanks to his alt-right grifter reinvention.

I honestly never understood how he got famous. He’s always been an unfunny jackass, now he is an unfunny jackass that is always lecturing people.

Yes god forbid kids see that some adults like to play dress up in costumes too!?

Yeah cancel culture is totally a thing. Yep. Clearly we're never gonna hear from this guy again. 

A Jet going down on 9/11 is a little too on the nose, universe.

We’re going to see it opening weekend and tickets were already thin on the ground like a week ago. This thing is going to make some serious cash, and I’d love to see it end up as one of the highest grossing movies of 2023 as a middle finger to the studio execs.

I bet we'll see the GOP move a lot quicker on regulating AI now. 

Let them fight it out in a pit.

Why is it always the Jews they end up blaming in the end?

Remember, Elon: these guys can’t all be pedos.

Somehow Musk continues to impress me with how stupid he is. Kind of like the orange menace, he’ll do something that I think is just the dumbest thing he could possibly do but then he’ll go do something even dumber. I bailed on Twitter the day he took over.

Mmm mm. So satisfying.

...found the anti-vaxxer...

Smithers, I’m starting to think this Elon Musk fellow is not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.

Lol. My Model S has never come close to the stated range...and my work commute is a flat highway in a flat part of Ohio.