
Sure would be sad if Musk suffered cardiac arrest during his slap fight with Zuck and no one can find the defibulators in time.

230 million or 70% of the US has been vaccinated, and only a handful of people have had undesirable effects. You’re literally more likely to get struck by lightning or die in a car accident on the way to work, but I don’t expect an impulsive uneducated manchild that gets his news from Breitbert to know anything about

Also X marks the spot, x is also used to represent unknowns in algebra and other stuff such as Planet X, X-rays and so on, Generation X, straight edge kids use the letter x alot, marking the back of their hands with a big black X and use it before and after their band names. The letter X is just so damn common that

I’ve been to multiple Chicago Sky games. Just because you do not know anyone who goes, does not mean anything.

Only if you’re not a billionaire.

In any functioning republic, this revelation would be the end of Thomas’ tenure. But no. We’re not a functioning republic.

As a childless vegan who never flies on a commercial plane, I think I have done my bit and would like a AI taxi now.  Thank you.

Tech startups will go to any lengths to avoid paying their drivers won’t they? With all the money wasted on developing self driving cars, it would have been more cost effective to simply pay their drivers instead.

I know. It’s why I stopped visiting Jalopnik because it’s, like, enough with the fucking articles about cars already. Same with Kotaku and their creepy game fixation.

“... It wasn’t until 2023 that the first seeds of understanding human behavior took place. With Google’s now infamous privacy policy change, AIs were given access to human behavior at a deeply personal level. They were able to track a person’s entire life; what made them happy, sad, confused, angry, and - most

He also suspended and censored Chad Loder and Vishal P Singh, specifically at the request of the milkshake-fearing Nazi scumbag coward Andy Ngo.

Good, if you can kick regular folks out of houses who can’t pay their rent, you should be able to kick out billion dollar tech companies who fuck off and don’t pay their bills.

You could also just like, pay your writers and give them fair deals? But I guess delaying all your massive movies makes sense, too.

Boo fucking hoo. There’s no good reason to go back to office, and your real estate prices are especially not a good reason.

Ron DeSantis cool as in Abu Ghraib naked human pyramid cool or Guantanamo feeding tube cool?


I’m blown away that they were able to make him look like he was born with that face.

Is Uber profitable yet?

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very

[Slams fist on hood] “So what’ll it take to get you into this Nazi infested flaming dumpster today?”