
What're you talking about? He never 'walked away' from Hollywood. He's simply made completely forgettable movies & numerous TV show gigs. He was offered a chance to replace Letterman, when Letterman was leaving the show, but he turned it down to pursue his movie career. When that went nowhere, he did the Dana Carvey

Not reductive @ all. It's called MASTERS OF DISGUISE, and is based purely on his impressions. Not a single impression works & it's a terrible film. If you think that's being reductive, name one other movie of his that showcases his great knack for impressions (or, made any money). And, sure, his Bush was funny back in

Well. It certainly wasn't as provocative & entertaining as The Larry Sanders Show or The Tracey Ullman Show (which aired on HBO around the same time) & they ended a LONG time ago. Dana Carvey, God bless him, has had many shots @ stardom & many chances to show that he had as much talent as his supporting cast on TDCS

Yeah. Unfortunately, it isn't even in the 'so bad it's awesome' category. It's just plain ol' bad.

Sure, Kevin Feige. I can tell by your vague recollection of Inhumans being a part of AoS (and, everyone's vague recollection that there's a show called AoS), that you totally think there's gonna be an Inhumans movie; and, that you totally didn't just pull that answer out of your ass. But, seriously, does anyone give a

Indeed. Far too many comic book films, says the guy watching Deadpool & Suicide Squad on an endless loop.

It's Agents of SHREK. I hear Ghost Donkey is killin' it.

You'll most likely be in 'The Great Beyond' before that happens (if it happens @ all). Marvel & DC ain't going nowhere. They make more money than God & their release schedules go on forever. But, hey, you can keep watching your Criterion Collection as much as you like; even in the old age home!

I enjoyed his impressions as a kid. But, in hindsight, they were just one-note caricatures. They had no depth or soul. Leaving just catchphrases. That doesn't make him a good impressionist. Just a good sketch comedian. Which is why he never moved very far beyond SNL. He's good in short bursts, but spend too much time

That's Eddie Murphy. He was hilarious & should never be mistaken for Dana Carvey.

At this juncture.

Indeed. My wife & I made the mistake of renting this film a few years back, mostly out of hazy fondness for his SNL characters & a true appreciation of his least known film, Clean Slate. At start of the movie, we thought, 'Oh, it's a movie for kids. That's cool'. Then, about 10 minutes in, we were in absolute shock.

Since you seem to have missed the reviewer's pov, lemme help ya out: Carvey does broadstrokes impressions, 'Na gonna dew it' is basically his entire impression of old Bush, but he never goes deep w them. They're just, basically, a caricature. For true proof, just watch his godawful shot @ film stardom (ala Adam

You're throwing a temper tantrum over ZOMBIES? That's ridiculous.

Cause that changes things? Poor writing, is just poor writing. White people are responsible for Dirk Gently & none of my white friends know what the hell that's all about.

Uh, whut? Cause zombie movies are documentaries & are instruction manuals on how to kill them? Uh, no. Seeing a zombie in a movie & seeing one in real life, are 2 totally separate things. Besides, every zombie movie has it's own set of rules for killing zombies (and, TWD is just a TV show; the characters wouldn't be

I'm sorry, what? You must have fairly sheltered child. I LOVED monsters & Halloween as a kid (I still do). I watched Mystery! on PBS. I read all the Charles Addams books I could get my hands on. Had an awesome encyclopedia dedicated to all variety of beastly Gnomes, Trolls & Fairies. I obsessively watched Fright

I have been saying this since the first episode. It's a dumb show. (Seriously, the word, and concept of, zombies don't exist in this world?! They do know it has far deeper roots than Romero, right?) It's a pointless show. (And, they say Lord of the Rings is just about walking!) And, it takes itself FAR too seriously

It, literally, makes no difference to this series. They call it Seattle, but they might as well call it Metropolis. It never feels like it's set in a real city (just like the actors never feel like they're portraying anything resembling real people).

That's really all that needs to be said about this absolutely god-awful 'adaptation'. I don't know if the rest of you got the 'pleasure' of Max Landis, after the premiere, promising us that 'all our questions would be answered'. My wife & I looked @ each other & started laughing, like, the only questions we have is: