
You saying Justin Bieber is on the track? I could only make it thru the first two minutes, so I have no idea. But, this IS the cheezy type of pop that's right up Bieber Alley (the one w all the prostitutes).

Indeed. Sounds like every other 'romatico' Latin ballad. Basically, elevator music.

Oh, man. This is the equivalent of being in hell. I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotions Logue & his family are feeling right now; fear, frustration, freaking out, confusion, deep sadness, anger, hope & so much more. Our son got separated from us in the grocery store & our hearts were pounding right thru

I KNOW, right? My God, it's not as if I could find 2 hours of the REAL Tupac on some sort of audio-visual streaming service on my intraweb to watch, in exchange!

Exactly. It's cute on occasion. But, when half the show is completely that, it's THE WORST.

'Anthropological curiosity'. Ooof. Someone's gonna get laid in college.

Seriously? Cowperthwaite? Cow pie is so on the nose; but you simply can't help yourself from chuckling like an immature kid. Man, this lady must have endured A LOT in school. More power to her.

Ah! I wasn't sure if they were referring to the 90's Redd Foxx/Shaq/Sinbad sitcom project, Shaka Blooey, about the adventures of Kashamm & his 40 carpet cleaning stores.

Sinbad? Shazam? You're, uh… you're being sarcastic, right?

Man, time flies. But, it was a great fuckin' party. I been to a lot, but that's one that sticks out.

Oh, man, does this bring back some GLORIOUS memories! Uhn! Back in the day, 2000 to be exact, I was attending SMFA, living it up in Mission Hill, and was one of the producers/promoters/videographers & a Vj (King Dome, baby!) for an EPIC Halloween party. I can't remember what we called it, off the top o my cranial, I

Halloween 3 is still my favorite, and the most astoundingly underrated, Halloween movie. Every Halloween. That MiB crushing the dude's face w his bare hands, inside a working hospital, then calmly walking to his car & setting himself on fire, while the doctor just looks on in befuddled horror; is one of the greatest

Cop out. If the CW can make a believable, awesomesauce Gorilla Grodd, then FOX can move their show around to some different locations (ya know, since they could blow enough doh to make a half hour He-Man meets Pete's Dragon).

I am completely finished w this show. I've TRIED SO HARD to enjoy it; as I love the cast & crew, but it's become the definition of 'spinning it's wheels'. For a show w AN ENTIRE WORLD TO EXPLORE, why is it always so claustrophobic, stationary and, worst of all, PAINFULLY UNFUNNY. Which, again, is baffling as it has a

She absolutely puts on an INCREDIBLE live show. Must. Buy. Tickets. Now.

Indeed. She's everything that's awesome about music, all rolled into one. Why those idiots didn't cast her as Nina Simone in that biopic they released last year, is beyond me. She's not just a musician, she started off as an actress @ Dallas' Performing Arts HS. Then again, that Nina Simone film is just a giant missed

There IS a God! Erykah Badu, is FAR & AWAY, my favorite female singer. I hate to see her not get the recognition she so rightfully deserves. I only saw her perform live, once, when she casually sauntered into this coffeeshop in Brooklyn, we were at. After the initial buzz, and her talking to the staff & some people

Actually, no. His age has NOTHING to do w it. Witness: He's playing a large, unspecified, character that James Gunn said would be a major factor in the upcoming Guardians films. He's also revving up for another Rambo. So, no, he doesn't care how old he is. He's just getting a taste of the big budget, high quality,

Oh, @ManVsFood. I alappreciate your candor & Agressive​ foopt

That's understandable. And, I apologize. I had to wake up @ five to go on set, was kinda cranky. Didn't necessarily mean much by it, except I find some personality traits to be 'alien' to me. I have also had a few roommates, back in college, that were cool @ first, then started noticing 'weird' things they'd do, then