The ending song w Teddy & the fam was brilliant, as usual.
The ending song w Teddy & the fam was brilliant, as usual.
I totally disagree w this article. This movie looks FANTASTIC. SyFy never has this much fun. You may be thinking of the godawful Jason Statham Death Race.
But, we love Manu.
I just have to throw out a different opinion here: IMHO, the show is a mess. It just feels like it's spinning it's wheels & is just making up story lines on the fly. Every single character is basically one-note (even if they 'grow', they just grow into another singular note). The stakes of the 'diseased' world never…
I found that moment to be completely forced; seeing as they've literally never seen another dead body in any of the houses, or businesses, they've raided.
You should go to the gynecologist. I don't think that's healthy @ all.
Wait! You too?! *slams 7 page treatment in the garbage*
Seth Rogen is soooo green w envy! (Cause he ate some thousand dollar marijuana chocolate.)
No. Clearly they need to remake the reboot.
Ha! Like the Beer Fest guy would lower himself to work w Denzel Washington. That guy has OPTIONS!
Ah! But, do you own a copy of Magnificent Seven Ride? Cause… that's a movie, too.
It always comes down to public transportation, Nilus.
Can we please discuss the strange goings on here since WTF is Black Label Bacon doing on AV Club?!
He's also a pedo. Just look @ the line in the Golden Ticket song, 'slap in the lap of luxury'; dude has his head buried in his lap! Subtle.
Thank you! You gave voice to my pain. I hated Dwight by the end. Not in the way everyone hated him in the beginning, just a seething anger at the actor & writing staff for turning him into an ubermensche. The Office lost it's way, when it's best & brightest left for Parks & Rec.
I have to say, The Butterfly Effect is a great film. And, Kutcher gives a surprisingly effective & moving performance. Not to mention, the film is an underrated semi-classic.