My mistake, there IS a bit of a fan vote. But per the FAQ:
My mistake, there IS a bit of a fan vote. But per the FAQ:
It IS jury-based. The internet can only vote on Best Content Creator, and the other awards are voted on by folks in game journalism or development.
I legit love Piranha plant. The wtf characters are the best characters.
I don’t see what’s so bad about the Spirit system and assist trophies. I was pretty excited to see there were some Ever Oasis spirits in there. This seemed like a really good way to shout-out games and characters that couldn’t be fighters.
It’s good that the open world genre is getting some fresh blood injected into it. That said, I barely have enough time to finish the games I want to play (still need to get through Vampyr), so something as molasses-slow as RDR2 is definitely not my thing.
I read that this game will have farming, so the Harvest Moon die-hard in me is totally sold. XD
Pssst, Pokemon existed and still exists outside Pokemon Go. There’s a game coming out in a month, so it’s not really any years late.
Why on Earth would they not just require things be sent through a review process FIRST instead of having to be removed after the fact? D: I mean, I’m surprised it’s anime porn and white supremacy and not just dicks for days.
People are still catching a lot of crap for being in certain minority groups, so it shall continue to be important to spotlight diverse representation. YOU might not mind playing games with a furry or a woman or an old person, but that’s definitely not the norm in the gaming community.
This week feels like the first week where Atlanta’s had sub-80 temperatures in the last 7 months, and it’s glorious.
“While purchasing Orcs in the Market is more immediate and provides additional player options, we have come to realize that providing this choice risked undermining the heart of our game, the Nemesis System. It allows you to miss out on the awesome player stories you would have otherwise created, and it compromises…
Looking forward to some Mario Party!
You’re right. There’s never been any time in history when people have read books and have had those books impact their lives in any significant way. That’s why they’re not an integral part of the education system.
Bigger is not necessarily better, but usually has more puzzles so everyone can feel like they’re doing something. More people also means a whole lot more working together, so the better friends you are, the more fun. And then, the more people you add, the more it becomes about working together to share information…
That would’ve been great to point out instead of using a quest where the lines are identical.
Something about assembling my own party from dozens or hundreds of choices appeals to me in the same way assembling a team in Pokemon appeals to me. It’s both numbers-going-up and customization.
Ace Attorney 2 isn’t a prequel. It continues almost right after where the first one left off. Ace Attorney 3 has a single one of its cases that takes place before Wright was a lawyer, so that’s also not much of a prequel.
Because if you’re playing Fortnite in the first place, you’ve already made your determination whether you’re okay with the core concept of battle royale.
But why is Pikachu sad? :<
The GCDS designers are ages 33 and under, so were in grade school during the original Pokemon hype.