Yeah, I suppose main-line, nonhandheld AC.
Yeah, I suppose main-line, nonhandheld AC.
Evie was one of two protagonists. She was fine, but you were also required to play as her brother. So this is still the first AC where you actually get to play the whole game as a female protagonist.
I’m glad the dialogue lines and choices are exactly the same for the protagonists. Saves the trouble of having to write two separate scripts (or shrugging shoulders and going, “We can’t possibly add a woman, that’s SO MUCH WORK”).
Both characters made sense to me. Dunno what you’d need changed in that plotline to account for gender.
Syndicate still locked down specific questlines to one or the other sibling, so you end up playing as both characters over the course of the game. This one, you’re only playing as one protagonist and that’s it.
Aww, poor Level 5. :<
Aah, I wish I’d seen that Fjord cosplayer! The only Critical Role characters I ever see are Mollymauk and Jester.
Well sure. That’s why I’m imagining the newest game will expand on the entire decorating element. I don’t ever expect it’ll end up a physics engine like Fallout, but non-grid placement would be great.
(Sorry this post is long. I’m looking at this academically, I guess.)
I mean, it sounds like it’s just not your thing? What would you be expecting? It’s just a zen game where you pick flowers and go fishing and check in on the shops occasionally.
I can’t imagine it’s going to add a ton of new mechanics. Probably just expand on the ways you can customize your town. Plus a ton of new furniture (hopefully at least as much as they’ve added to Pocket Camp).
I kinda’ feel like the timer situation means you eat WAY more than you probably wanted, just to get your money’s worth. Shouldn’t they just charge per plate, like conveyor sushi does?
Google probably autocompletes “Proteus” with “game” because if you don’t include “game” in your search term, most of the results are for Proteus the ancient Greek god, or proteus the UTI-causing bacteria, or Proteus software, or Proteus from Homer’s Odyssey...
This kinda’ reminds me of that flower-growing Mii Plaza game. I wish more games had that sort of multi-generational breeding mechanic in it. Add it to a Harvest Moon-style game, and grow different varieties of apples! Horticulture simulator!
After seven generations of games, that number of evolutions has now expanded to nearly every single different Pokémon type.
Isn’t 150 yen around $1.50-ish? I'm jealous. I only ever see Pokemon packs selling for $5 apiece in comic stores and Targets. :(
Close! I’m waiting for some hot husbandos. :D
It probably helps that I’ve never actually played any of the Fire Emblem games, so I have no strong associations with any characters in particular. I just like the ones with the fun costumes. :D
I’ll give it a shot. I’m still playing Fire Emblem Heroes and Pokemon Go, and this looks like it could be fun. I don’t have a problem with gatchapon games, depending on how generous they are with their special currencies. (I like how generous FEH is with the orbs, but I just dropped Food Fantasy after a 3-week binge…
I’m with MegaBlastoise. I’ve never spent any money on FEH. Back in early spring, right after the Easterbunny-themed summons, I decided I’d save all my orbs for when they launched their Halloween summons. I’m now currently sitting on 486 Orbs, and I only play for 10 minutes every morning. That’s enough to summon…