$2,500 and it will struggle to play games in 5-7 years? Yikes.
$2,500 and it will struggle to play games in 5-7 years? Yikes.
... I don’t think I’d spend $300 every two years just to go from PS4 to PS4 Pro. That’s like the anti-sell.
Is it wrong that I’m kinda’ really interested in Sushi Strikers? >___>
When was the last time you played a Pokemon game? You can trade and battle with anyone anywhere from your menu. You don’t have to go to a building. But I don’t need some randos trying to pester me for battles and trades while I’m trying to play a Pokemon game. That just sounds terrible.
The anime treats it like all Pokemon know/understand conversational human speech (and not just orders for their attacks), so when you think of them like that, sure it’s hard to imagine Pokemon as meat.
Everyone says they want a Pokemon MMO, but do they really? Why would anyone want to deal with a bunch of kids with teams of 6 hacked Mewtwos running around? Or trainers with “xX420_DeathStar69Xx” usernames choking up Pokemon centers? What exactly is the appeal?
Played it for a bit. It’s kind of a dopey mobile-type game, reminds me of the Rumble series. I can see myself playing it for a day or two.
Probably because while For Honor ended up interesting and exciting on screen when it was first revealed, it wouldn’t have been THAT exciting just seeing it described as words on a page.
Didn’t read the article, huh?
Can’t tell if serious.
Everything from announcement to trailers said this game was an interactive movie, in the vein of a Heavy Rain/Telltale adventure. Thinking it was coop Hitman was 100% on you. XD
Wonder if developer Josef Fares’ enthusiasm helped. I was already sold based on the coop narrative-based gameplay, but the way he loved his game really double-sold me on it. XD
Being real about made-up fish people? In the wild, animals that are skinny are the unhealthy ones, so who’s to say that bigger Zora aren’t actually healthier than their smaller counterparts?
There’s no way to know what’s healthy for a fish-person. They’re made-up.
So bad attitudes come from people who decide to breed. Got it.
I really don’t understand why they can’t give you a font-size option for subtitles. I tried playing FFXV with the Japanese audio because I preferred those VAs, but the text was just impossible to read across my living room.
But it doesn’t really help when you’re watching a cutscene with tiny subtitles, unless you want to miss what’s happening in the scene.
It’s also called “Sea of Thieves,” not “Sea of Cheats” or “Sea of Immortals who can one-shot you from across the map.”
I’m not even arguing that our forms of entertainment might have an effect on our beliefs and outlooks and personal views. I take issue with the idea of games being a “training simulator,” meaning that playing a game will TRAIN you to be better at X. Just like how me playing Stardew Valley doesn’t train me to become a…
I’d rather we try and not refer to games as “training simulators” for anything, considering how right now governments are trying to blame games for being murderer training simulators.