
25% of revenue, not 25% of users. In fact, it’s general knowledge that a small percent of whales are doing most of the bankrolling.

I definitely have my doubts about nebulous “future stuff,” considering there are plenty of examples of games where season passes don’t cover everything.

I thought Season Passes were supposed to be a discount off buying the pieces individually? I can’t imagine how many costumes would make the extra $6 for the season pass worth it.

Curious, will ya’ll post another article when the Kickstarter goes live? :D I might actually back it this time around, because I won’t need to sign up to another crowdfunding site.

Aren’t you a little too late to cancel your Destiny II preorder?

Kinder eggs are already banned in the US because of choking hazard laws. XD

I think my most-favorite of the Harvest Moons is Animal Parade, but I might just be a sucker for all the befriendable pets.

Considering the people who made that Ghost in the Shell movie blamed at least part of its poor performance on its casting controversy, at least a sizeable chunk of the majority-white people in the movie-going public ALSO want to see more diversity in their films, and would prefer not every character be white.

What’s wrong with China being the first to require probability transparency? That seems like a weirdly derogatory thing to say.

But clusters of people don’t follow on exactly-perfect demographics anyway. Why -CAN’T- there be more than 6% Asian-Americans in a movie? So if your movie has a Japanese woman in it, she can’t have a relative because it’d skew higher than 6%? How about how groups of friends don’t all follow a perfect demographic

Mobile games don’t cost $60 though.

Then that just makes me feel more like this feature is designed just to prey on those with gambling addictions or poor impulse control. It’s still predatory even if you feel like you can resist, because there’s always going to be some poor sap who can’t.

Silver War Chest, Gold War Chest, Mithril War Chest.

I’d read it. Their weird “one day people woke up with stretchy arms” lore is bizarre and their characters are memorable. Seems like a comic would be a fun time.

I’m MOST excited for the Discovery Mode, to be totally honest! XD But yes, climbing around on stuff and exploring is my favorite thing to do in games.

Did you read the article? The author spent a goodly amount of it relating these points to watching stuff with his girlfriend.

The animation’s hand drawn, looks like, so I assume the limited nature of the style is because it’s a small team and animation is a lot of work. Probably better to animate on 4s and not have to double the development time or cost. (That, or change to a more animation-efficient art style.)

As a person who actually doesn’t really LIKE engaging in combat or fighting monsters, I think I prefer BotW’s long stretches of exploration. There are plenty other places you can find an open world with complex fights (Soulsborne games, Monster Hunters, etc), that I’m well satisfied with something that lets me spend

Animal Crossing =/= Harvest Moon tho.

Hooray for more Layton puzzles!