It’s got a whole new single player campaign, new maps, new weapons, new gear. Almost nothing is the same as the first one. Ports would imply you could get all of the old gear and maps and campaign, and you don’t.
It’s got a whole new single player campaign, new maps, new weapons, new gear. Almost nothing is the same as the first one. Ports would imply you could get all of the old gear and maps and campaign, and you don’t.
No? Crossplay is playing a character that isn’t your own gender.
I mean, she’s blue and purple. She cannot possibly be concerned with camoflague, so zipping up a little wouldn’t really help her hide more. So by that point, unzipped would be easier to breathe.
You replying to the wrong person? Because that’s exactly the point I was making.
As someone who actually never got around to playing either (I know, I know), I think I might buy this. :D
I dunno, I feel like if she was designed with a more conservative dress in her default, and then this costume was provided as some sort of unlockable alt, wouldn’t that be worse? It would be providing cheesecake as a reward, the way some JRPGs have the eyerollingly pandering swimsuit costumes.
At least he’s not white? :3
I’ve been playing every single day since the game came out last year. Admittedly, some days only to catch one Pokemon and spin one stop. But I’m still barely level 30. That’s a pretty high bar for raids. And none of my friends are NEAR 30, so I couldn’t beat them if I wanted.
I could see that. The writing was definitely corny and over-saccharine. I guess for me the appeal was the rather-mellow gathering and crafting loop, and being able to play local co-op with coworkers who normally are too intimidated by very combat-heavy games.
Ohman, I really loved Fantasy Life. Got to God-level in every class. I kind of want this to be -more- Fantasy Life than it seems to be.
Wait, so is Project Sansar made by the same people who made Second Life, or is Second Life just used as an example of the type of game/experience they’re making?
When you claim it, Twitch gives you a code that you put into Overwatch in whatever platform you play. I just gave my code to a friend to use.
When you claim it, Twitch gives you a code that you put into Overwatch in whatever platform you play. I just gave…
South Park isn’t a game like Mass Effect, where you have chunks of dialogue layered with procedural generation of weight-shifts, arm-crosses, etc. You still have to manually animate the characters in relation to the stuff that’s going on. There’d be nothing that helpful to procedurally generate.
Manual ANIMATION, not manual drawing. They were able to import the different character models, but you still have to move those puppets around to get the animation.
As someone who also works in animation (2d, television), it makes me wanna smack them in the mouth. XD
Excited for Ever Oasis! :D
*googles Nekopara*
I’m really hoping puffy-shirt dad is an actual vampire.
Aww, no love of pirate fashion? I liked the Skull and Bones woman’s cape that looked like an off-the-shoulders pirate coat, but was a cape.
I wish her walking speed was like 10% faster, but otherwise I’m definitely interested.