
I imagine the “did Nintendo keep their E3 promises” article will be very, very short.

The Pokemon Company really leans into the microtransaction model for their mobile titles. The “pay one larger lump sum” doesn’t work as well on mobile, look at Mario Run. So unless you want to be nickle and dimed for Pokeballs or Potions in a main series game, they’re best left on a dedicated console.

“Games as a Service” is just AAA speak for the same microtransaction-ridden model as mobile games, only with a $60 upfront shell.

Wish I had more time away from my Alley table at Momocon; the game area looked like a lot of fun. :O But it didn’t seem like each game was attracting THAT many people.

Who said I was mad or offended at the stereotypes in Lucio? You CAN acknowledge lazy design without being offended, you know.

Doubt you’re a game dev either.

Cowboys aren’t even a “uniquely Southern” thing. That’s Texas and the Midwest.

But you can still pick things that apply to the country’s culture without being the most obvious ones. If you made the Irish guy a drunk leprechaun, that’d be eyerolly as hell. There are many facets of Irish culture that are less common in portrayals, but still a true-to-form facet of the culture. You don’t have to

She wasn’t criticizing Lucio’s default look. Just that all the skins have been the same stereotypes. McCree’s default is yes, a cowboy, but not all of his skins have been cowboy stereotypes. He’s got an Indiana Jones look, that weird stuntman jumpsuit, some yellow outfit that makes him look like Dick Tracy...

Emotions and goals are universal. How do you identify with characters in Toy Story if you’re not a toy? Or the talking animals/robots/aliens in cartoons? Everyone has wants and needs and desires. Representation is just using the story of the “goal” through someone’s very-specific lens.

It’s easy. Go deeper. Soccer and music for Brazil is easy. That’s what anyone could say. We’re talking whole countries full of millions and millions of people, who’ve been around for centuries. How do you boil a culture down to two words? How would you even boil YOURSELF down to two words? Job, hobbies, favorite

“I don’t see how Lucio is a walking stereotype!” 

Oh, it’s by the Don’t Starve people? No wonder the style looks familiar. Wonder if they’ve got plans for a table/mobile/Switch port, perhaps? Seems like a fun game on the go.

I’m still playing it, and have bought and played every main series Pokemon game on release day. XD

Lot of art schools will let you work on your Masters as you teach (and the good ones will let you take their graduate classes free if you’re teaching there). Colleges don’t want to turn away a “professor with 20 years in the industry” just because of some paltry degree.

I wouldn’t say the -lowest- paid US animators are getting 45k. Film animation, maybe. TV animation starting is around 30k.

I also hate the “that one [insert race here] person isn’t offended, that makes this not offensive!” As if you just need the approval of one person in the group you’re offending.

Yes, that would be cultural appropriation.

I don’t think anyone is accusing Blizzard of intentionally being culturally insensitive. But when you do it accidentally, and people call you out on it, it’s a show of good faith to set it right, which is what they’re doing. This is all fine.

Okay, so yeah, just fighting games. XD