People can fetishize freckles, though, and that still kinda’ makes it gross. When you boil humans down to some sort of singular trait, it’s fetishistic.
People can fetishize freckles, though, and that still kinda’ makes it gross. When you boil humans down to some sort of singular trait, it’s fetishistic.
Can’t cancel something that was never started!
The AAA industry’s response to popular free-to-play microtransaction-filled mobile games that make oodles of money.
Seems a fair way to do it. I still prefer physical media for most of my games, because I love loaning stuff to casual-gamer friends to get them into a series. Only like to get digital when it’s something with infinite replayability, like Smash Bros or Puyo Puyo Tetris.
I dunno. I’d like to think that even if I bought the goriest game, I’d still have a right to be upset if there was an actual human finger in the game case.
So it requires touch? Nintendo probably doesn’t want to further the narrative of there being some games that can only be played in Portable mode instead of TV mode, especially not with one of their major IPs.
Yeah! Only one game per genre allowed! Pack it up, game designers, we’ve already got all the games that ever need to be made, ever!
Doubt the author of this article (Or really, any one person here) would know all of them. Try looking at the links to the different cosplayers, I’m sure they know who they dressed as.
You didn’t read the article at all, huh? Got nothing to do with the skill of the artists, everything to do with the time and money.
From my understanding, is Witcher 3 GOTY not just the base game plus the DLC? Because surely you’re not otherwise comparing a hundreds-hour long RPG with a kart racer?
Oh yeah, that was the first thing I did with my first orbs. (:
And don’t usually come with a whole extra mode, the way this comes with a whole revamped Battle and 8 arenas. (Or the other way to say it: I’d pay at least $10 for this battle mode.)
Consider it the GOTY edition. Those things are always sold full-price, and are the exact same game plus DLC.
I’m not a Fire Emblem fan, so the new summons and stuff don’t bother me, but I’m having a heck of a time trying to just keep up with all the quests. @__@ I’m still trying to grind my Pegasus Sisters to a high enough level to get those last few Orbs in their quests, haven’t even touched the Robin and Nevarre quests or…
Self-censorship isn’t a thing. It’s called editing. Censorship implies I don’t have jurisdiction over my own creation.
Cool, is this the one they released in Japan last year, I guess?
I mean, he’s not gonna attract the type of gold-diggers you see on reality shows or anything, but it could certainly be a factor for people who’re only making the federal minimum wage, at 15k a year.
I mean, ballpark 90k is pretty high-middle class for most of the country, outside of NYC or California. I’m making 45k in Atlanta, and I think that’s somewhere in the decent middle.
So for these competitors, I assume they’re just creating hacked Pokemon? Or literally having friends trade them their Mon? Because no way can you train up a perfect-IV Pokemon the night before an event, right?
There’s no coffee in this drink. It’s a sugar and fruit and cream monstrosity.