“Death to all Jews” isn’t “questioning Israel,” it’s about as boiled-down anti-Semitic as you can possibly get.
“Death to all Jews” isn’t “questioning Israel,” it’s about as boiled-down anti-Semitic as you can possibly get.
It’s also for the Island challenge that is specifically for kids. I’m sure she’s not exactly giving it her all against a buncha’ 10-year-olds.
Feminism doesn’t mean everyone bundles up like a buncha’ Puritans, yanno. It means letting each woman decide for herself what she wants to wear, and not being friggin’ judged for it. It means not automatically assuming someone’s intentionally trying to be sexual (it’s just some short-shorts and a halter top, for…
No one wants to be Cyril. Not even Cyril.
I don’t know that he could have done that much to change the way his face is shaped...
Definitely Odin. Loving the sexy yellow jester thing he’s got going on, and there’s just so much sheer fabric.
Pay more than what? You just said you can’t put real-world dollars to virtual code, but that’s what we do for every video game. From the $60 AAA title to the F2P mobile game, all of it is code.
Aren’t all video games just a buncha’ code?
I’m just hoping this fixes the bug that crashes my game every time I click my trainer picture. I just want to change my buddy, daggone it!
Doesn’t really HAVE to have a lot of staying power. Just enough to earn a tidy profit and keep people busy until their next mobile release. Which, at their stated goal of about 3 titles per year, is a 4-month lifespan. An added benefit is using it at promotion for their non-mobile titles. Pokemon Go has crossed the…
Spending some time with those two new Nintendo-mobile games, Pokemon Duels and Fire Emblem Heroes. They’re both that same sort of F2P gatchapon style thing, so I’m sure I’ll probably bounce off ‘em pretty quick. Hate hitting paywalls just to progress in a game.
But those people who casually play Madden and Call of Duty already have their Xboxes. Nintendo isn’t going to be able to carve into that market against two systems that are four-years established. Like you said, everyone knows Skyrim, so how’re you going to sell someone on a game that’s been out for years?
So... your theory is more hardcore gamers are watching the Super Bowl than families? Instead of showing a boxing game to sports fans, show them the Dungeons & Dragons of video games?
Simpler, yes, but that has no bearing on how “adult” it is.
Nintendo’s adding the adult feature by adding voice chat. It just happens to be only with friends, so if you’re an adult wanting to voice chat in Splatoon, go and find some people on a chat board and friend them. Pretty simple to me.
Did you play the first one? If you want to play together with a team of friends, you can only play competitive, where you get grouped with another team doing the same. If you join up with a buddy who’s playing regular turf war, you are randomly assigned teams, so you’re playing against them as often as you’re playing…
Yeah, but turning off an optional voice chat means you can’t work as cohesively as a team, especially when Splatoon’s got such small teams of 4. That means in random matchups, you either put up with toxic players and win more often, or mute them and lose more often.
But how else will I have racial and sexual slurs shouted at me by children and neckbeards? D:
Such a grump.
I suspect the “Interactive Drama” category is where all the Visual Novel data is.